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    I walked the deep trails of Wonderland, slaying creatures along the path. A dark red trail followed behind me every murderous laugh had the creatures screeching. I was a born killer even from birth, awoken and raised in a family of murderers. I knew it was wrong but I couldnt help myself, I had a rush of adrenaline traveling through every vein in my body. I saw the look in every tear drop shimmering eye, pure fear. It made my stomach churned every ear piercing scream I heard. Every, day I asked myself a question, can I change? No. I knew in my heart I couldnt, it was my destiny.
     I too, let a small tear when I slayed a creature. But, I did love the woods of Wonderland, so majestic they were. I never did act like a girl, I was born into a family of eight men, one young boy, and a small bone doll to play with. I kept my hair short, only to my jawbone. I enjoyed the life of crime, so thrilling always on the move, but most of all, freedom. I began my journey several months ago, when I was old enough to care for myself.
    I was on my daily walk through the woods slaying. An oversized butterfly landed in the middle of the path. I raised my ling silver sword over my head, but something hit me, the butterfly didnt notice me. "Are you blind?". Silence. Still enjoying a large sweet flower, it hit me, I am not real. I never noticed it before, I was demented, I had imagined all the murders, no blood on me, I was a living fragment of someones mind. I cried knowing I wasnt real. How could I go from happiness to such pain? I cried more, screaming actually. "I am not real! I have no point in this pain!" I raised my swore and jabbed it through my chest. Lying on the ground I was from the mind of the darkness spreading about Wonderland. It wanted me to have pain. The dream appeared, before I could get a good look, my eyes shut, how they would be for an eternity-....

  Emily T.K.P here, hope you enjoyed my story! I would love some feedback. Hope it was not to long nore too short. By the way these are all based on a song by Vocaloid, but the plotline is mine. Thanks for reading!!
                                        ~ Emily T.K.P

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