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I was In The hospital waiting to hear the latest news on My mom. I felt like a news reporter. my mom had breast cancer, so I was rarely allowed to see her. but today was different. she had a heart attack in her sleep last night a-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone calling my name.

"Ryan hale, daughter of Mary hale" the doctor called out. I immediately stood up only to collapse to the floor seconds later.

"I am truly sorry, but your mother has passed. her cancer stopped her heart during the heart attack. there is nothing more we can do for you." te doctor said. I started crying and screaming

"NO!!! SHE CAN'T BE GONE!!! NO!" I screamed.

"Ryan, Ryan,RYAN!" someone screamed that's when I realized that I was just dreaming I was all sweaty, and I was sobbing into autumns shoulder. autumn is my roommate bit I think of her as a sister. she is my only friend here. everyone else here are uptight bitches who do t care about anything but themselves.

I finally stopped my water works, and autumn told my about how there were people coming to the orphanage today.

Oh joy.

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