Love by definition; an intense feeling of deep affection. I always wanted to write about love but I've never known where to start from because I have not felt such feelings. Yet. Do I believe in love? I mean yeah, I "love" many things in this world these include people of course. But I've never been in love.
You should ask yourself if you've been in love. In my opinion the word love gets thrown around to easily these days, people don't appreciate the meaning and feeling of love. Just think about it, how many who have told you I love you and still are around? But that's not the point of this, story? I still don't know what this is but we (the author and you the reader) can figure it out along.
Since I can remember I never have loved anything but this huge feeling, I don't know how to explain it but I can describe it. So since a very young age I've been alone, yeah sure my parents we're there but never there. My mom left me with my dad when I was around 3 and since then I realized that the person you thought loved you the most can just easily disappear just like that. That's why I never grown super attached to anyone or anything. And this has surely and still does bring me problems in relationship, must that be with someone I've been intimate with or just friendship.
I do believe in love though. The power of love, the things it can do for a person. I believe in loving who you want and not be judge for it or be told your going to hell for it because that's just plain bullshit. I love everybody and everything (kind of contradicting with my last stamen I know but ill explain). I am a hippy. My definition of being a hippy is to believe in peace and love, which in my opinion is the greatest belief you can have as a human being.
You know, I'm an amateur who doesn't know about love but I'm writing about what I think is all about and all the stages. I'm no great author about love and all that, but I love the thought of love. One day I'll feel all of those feelings artist always write and sing about, and that day I'll look back and think of how stupid or smart I was.
As I shall quote from Amy Winehouse "Love is blind", I think that this is very true in my opinion she could capture the meaning of love, such a lost for the music industry.