Use To Be So Simple

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"Da'Kala time for school" 

"K mommy here I come" 

"HURRY UP!! IM GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK I GOT TO TAKE YOU AND YOUR SIBLINGS NOW COME ON!!!" Outraged with me screaming up the stairs

Ran down the stairs and was heading out the door with all my family. This is me when I was young in 4th grade still rocking pony tails. My mom and dad had just got divorced but I understood and was happy cause I still saw my daddy, but who knew my life was all gonna change when I got home.

Oh and my name is pronounced DUH-KAY-LA but people just call me D or DK because that just easier for them.

"Da'Kala your wanted in the office hun" my teacher had told me 

My nine year old self walked down  to office with a smile.

"Da'Kala your mom is on the phone and she would like to speak to you" the secretary  told me with a worried and/or concerned look on her face while she was handing me the phone.

"Hi mommy" I had cheer in my voice but my mom was crying which mad my smile change to a frown 

"Uhh baby I'm going to come get you from school so I can tell you and brothers something okay" I was confused and kind of scared cause my mom couldn't stop crying.

Few minutes after the phone call had ended my mom was at the school to come get me then we got the rest of my siblings from school and we are all confused because my mother just won't stop crying she can't a sentence out with sniffling and pausing.

We arrive to the house and she puts two boxes of Kleenex in the middle of the table and tried her best to get herself together to tell us the news.

"Guys I love you very very very much and I would do anything to keep your beautiful smiles on your face and i know after me and your father started having problems it affected some of you very badly and then we we got separated it hurt because you guys love both of us and would hate for something to happen to us well your daddy has....." she broke down and tried to say it "Your daddy has passed on"

My oldest brother stormed up from the table and ran out the house, my mother was calling his name but he was already gone. my two older sisters just broke down in tears. My younger brother was just a baby so he didn't really understand what was going. Now i've never been good at showing my emotions in front of other people unless it was happiness or I was in physical pain so i got up and walked to the park and I knew since people were still in school that no one would be there so I sat on the swings and just cried the I saw a path way so I went down it and at the end of it there was just huge rocks and trees so I sat on one of the rocks and cried more. My sisters and I were daddy girl he spoiled us and gave us anything and everything we could ever want no other man or boy compared to him or made us as happy.

Hours later it was starting to get dark outside so I headed home and my mom was still at the kitchen table my older brother still gone my baby brother sleep and I don't know where my sisters are at this point. I start to walk up the stairs to my room and my mom stops me and calls me back down.

"Da'Kala are you okay?" she knew the answer already but she also knows I don't show emotions 

"Yea mommy I want to sleep now"

"kk baby" she gave me a hug and sent me on my way 

That night I didn't sleep and usually when I'm sad I would go to my daddy house and sleep in his bed but my daddy was gone so I couldn't do that which made me cry more until the morning time came. My mom wasn't making any of us go to school and my brother had finally came home and when he did he had went straight to my room first 

"D I know dad is gone and we are all very sad but I want you to know that I will be here for you and I will try to do everything I can for you and all my siblings" He gave me a kiss on the forehead and pulled me into a hug.

This was just the beginning of my rollercoaster 

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