//Chapter Four\\

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~Somehow I found, a way to get lost in you~-

-Jeff's POV--

"That's not fair! He's MY boyfriend! Why won't you let me go find him?!" I yelled at the faceless man standing in front of me. I was purely frustrated at this point as I'd been trying for the past 3 days to get Slendy to let me go to the human realm. Of course he had said no every time and I was at the breaking point. I need to see Ben.
"I'm sorry, child. It's just too dangerous for you to go," Slenderman said placing a hand on my shoulder, which I shook off. Glaring at him the best I could, I backed away towards the door, the tears already welling up again.
"It's like you don't even care! I need him! I miss him..." I said, choking on my words as I tried my best to hold back the tears that threatened to fall at any second. Slenderman sighed, placing a hand on his forehead like he always did when conflicted.
"I suppose I can think about it. But I assure you, Ben is fine. They will not harm him," Slender said, dropping his arm back down to his side. I smiled slightly, suddenly very relived. "Now leave. I have errands I must do." I nodded briskly and ran out through the door, all the way up to our room. I closed the door lightly behind me and sat down at the desk we had.
I'd get to see Ben soon. However, Slender will have to choose soon, because I'm leaving tomorrow either way. I smiled and spun around on the chair, continuing my thoughts until something caught my eye. A little scrapbook was tucked under Ben's bed. I picked myself up from the seat and went over, kneeling down and taking out the scrapbook.
I sat down on his bed, opening the scrapbook carefully to the first page. The tears instantly returned, a picture of him and Thomas in front of the Pasta Academy. I pushed a stand of hair behind my ear and flipped the page. Page after page I flipped, each picture making it harder to contain my tears. It continued on like this until I lost it, placing the scrapbook beside me and just starting to sob.
--Ben's POV--
I groaned again as Jack complained once again. "Come onnnnn. I'm hungry. Can't we just go for a second?" Jack whined as he tugged on my arm. He had gotten up from his chair and was trying to pull me out of mine. He had missed breakfast and was now starving. Being the idiot he is, he probably slept in.
"I said no. I don't want to leave," I said, glaring up at him which he just shook off. Bella sighed, rubbing her temples as she tried to keep her patience.
"Perhaps you should just go," Bella said, opening her eyes. I growled, whipping my head around but softened. She looked tired and annoyed, very different then her previous cheery look. I blinked and tilted my head to this side, a habit of mine I had gotten from Jack.
"Why are you mad?" I mumbled quietly, my ears twitching in confusion. Jack smiled slightly and let go as Bella just laughed slightly and shook her head.
"You're such a kid, ya know that?" She asked, copying me and tilting her head. I smiled slightly and nodded, looking up at Jack.
"Yea, I know. I'm just a kid. But we should go get food, I suppose," I said, looking between Jack and Bella. They nodded and Bella rose to her feet.
"Do you two mind if I join you? Usually I just wait until lunch, but I'm quite hungry today," Bella asked, focusing her gaze more on Jack. Jack nodded, already at the door, holding it open for me and Bella. My ears perked up at the sound outside the door and the hallway. I sighed, standing up and brushing myself off as Bella exited the room. Jack motioned for me to hurry up which I just rolled my eyes at and followed Bella outside. Jack followed behind me at the doorway. "I'll just lead you two to the food court. I don't suppose Ben knows the way and Jack will probably get us lost," She said letting out a chuckle and stepping out into the hallway.
This time down the hallway was different, however. Everyone parted ways so we could walk down the hallway with a clear path. Almost as if everyone was scared of Bella. She just smiled and walked down the hallway as if she was used to it. I just walked behind her with Jack, my head down. I hate attention. It's terrible. As soon as we got into the food court it was pretty normal, though. I stuck behind Jack, clutching his hoody, as he just kept walking. Bella and Jack got some food and found a table. I had been asked so many questions from people I didn't even know just as they got food. "Are you THE Ben Drowned?" Of course, idiots. The one and only.
"So Ben. I'd love to know how you even got captured," Jack said, poking at his food once more. Bella just rolled her eyes at the sentence but I felt my ears go down.
"Let's just leave it at I thought Jeff was actually at the well when he told me to go there," I said looking at the taller boy. He nodded, realizing I didn't want to talk about it. "It's great to see you, though. Silver was really worried they'd kill you," I said, changing the subject as quickly as possible.
"Was he really? Aw. I wish I could talk to him. I miss that kid," Jack said, looking over at me, smiling slightly. I nodded at him before motioning toward the food.
"Hurry up and eat. I don't got all day, apparently," I said, taking my hat off and fixing my hair. Jack just chuckled as I shoved my hat back on my head.

I Don't Want to Drown Again (Ben x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now