Chapter 19

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After leaving Harry’s office, Hermione felt a bit happier. She wasn’t completely elated about the whole “mudblood” thing, though. She was surprised that it had gotten to her so much. She’d been used to Malfoy calling her that, among many other things, in their Hogwarts days. The walk to her office was quiet, and Hermione realized that a lot of the witches and wizards that had been there left. It was getting a bit late – around seven.

She still needed to finish paperwork – that wasn’t just an excuse to get away from that wretched pure blood. Surely enough, when she opened her office door, there was a large stack of papers on her desk, awaiting her attention. She hung her head and walked to the desk, taking as much time as possible.

It was painfully slow filling out the papers, as usual. It didn’t surprise her that they weighted this all on her and gave none to Malfoy. The minute hand on the clock seemed to move more quickly than usual. It occurred to Hermione that it would take her ALL night to finish the papers. She thought about just giving up, but it meant that more time would be taken away from her tomorrow, and the investigation needed all of her attention.

A short rapping sound came from her door. She shut her eyes tightly and prayed to Merlin that it wasn’t Malfoy. She didn’t think she could face him at the moment.

“Hermione?” Much to her relief, it was Harry’s voice.

“Come in.” She said in a tired, but pleased tone.

The doorknob turned and Harry came in, purple bags developing under his eyes.

“What are you still doing here?” he asked her.

“Paperwork… nothing new.” She said, beckoning at the papers scattered on her desk.

“Do you er, want any help?” He asked reluctantly.

Hermione laughed sleepily.

“No, that’s fine. I’ll manage. Going to the Weasley’s for dinner?”

He nodded.

“Ginny’ll be expecting me.” He said in an off-put sort of voice.

The change in his tone didn’t go un-noticed by Hermione.

“I don’t mean to pry, but er – is everything alright between you two?”

He looked up and his bright green eyes pierced hers. There was sadness in them, that much she could tell.

“Maybe they’re having a fight.” She thought.

“Yeah. Great.” He said without enthusiasm.

He turned away from her. Hermione detected pain in his eyes. He looked almost as if he were in agony at the very thought of Ginny. She didn’t understand, they worked so well together. Ginny was extremely taken with Harry. Ginny cared a lot about him, but it seemed

like Harry was very upset about something at the moment.

“Harry? You can talk to me, you know.” Hermione said, concern seeping into her voice.

Harry looked at her and forced a terrible fake smile.

“It’s fine, ‘Mione. I’ll see you later.”

He left her office without another word, leaving Hermione a puzzled mess. She shook the strange and worrying encounter out of her head and groaned at the papers before her. She glanced at the clock, and nearly two hours had gone by. By this rate, she’d be there until morning. She sat down and attempted to write with her quill. No ink came from the dry nib. She flung her head back and sighed loudly. She’d have to make a trip to the stock room.

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