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We're all mankind,

We suffer through heavy burdens

Yet we still smile and breathe.

We're all mankind,

We're living in the sphere of illusion,

Yet we still thrive for the presence of our soul.

We're all mankind,

We all wear masks to hide what we actually feel,

Yet we still yearn to let our hearts out.

We're all mankind,

We all live in our thoughts

Yet we still try to admire reality

We're all mankind,

We're all harrowing betrayals

Yet we still move on

We're all mankind,

We all ache to live with our dearest

Yet we still don't understand the fact that we're living in someone's dream

We're all mankind,

We all write to reveal what we feel

yet we still crave to steal that one-n-only treasure's heart

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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