The Dragonlord

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The 8th Chapter                          The dragons have arrived

Lloyd had blood in his face.He wishes that ,the red dragon was the northern dragon.But when he was about to meet Christian, a white dragon blew him off,it was the eastern wind dragon. He was tossed into the air,slammed into a rock and was hit on the head.The rest was blank because he was hit so hard he could not wake up.

Upon waking up,he saw all 4 dragons,in his fright, he immediately took the king's sword, just to realize it was left awhile ago and sent flying away.He was locked up in a somewhat kind of  fiery and big chamber.He was captured.When all hopes seemed lost a group of men came in.Standing there was Christian,but some faces were familiar.With him,stood Nina,Ayen,Josh and Allen.The king Ragsagna,Retsamogel,Yeshuwa and the other warriors of their clans.Their stood Jc carrying the king'sword handing it to Yeshuwa.Together they stood up against the dragons.They were even lucky enough to ill the wind dragon,but instead a dragon paid for so much lives. In the king's attempt to kill the water dragon,he was burnt to death by the leader of the dragons,Hydragonaria.The dragon who destroyed 7 galaxies.Luckily Allen has an alter-ego, Retsnom, together they chained up the earth dragon and after many struggling times they beheaded another dragon. Two down,three to go.The Hydragonaria has felt angry,despite his weakness because of the 2 lost dragons.The water dragon flooded the area , everyone escaped except Lloyd,which they believed, drowned. But Christian getting inside to rescue Lloyd was captured by the Hyderga, the Hydragonarian Knight.With skin as hard as diamond, it was impossible to defeat,with the concentration on Christian,Ayen ,learning to control her other form, can now produce blasts.She went in and electrocuted the Water Dragon to the dragons death.The dragon spoke 'I can't be killed by any man'.Ayen making a stronger blast replies "I am no man,dragon",as the water dragon was turned to ash.The Hydragonaria got angry and got Christians soul.Christian is now a mindless zombie looking for his prey.Not knowing what's happening, Retsamogel was choked by the zombie.Taking his sword he stabbed the zombie. Whit the loss of oxygen, Retsamogel turned to stone.Josh in his true form because of anger for revenge, went to the fire dragon and wounded it a bit. But the backfire was horrible,there was blood all over Josh,but a final blow gave the dragon a run for his money,leaving Josh petrified in stone and The dragon left in bones.Nina screamed and made Lloyd realize something.While he rescued Glenn,Chondara became an ally and turned human. Chondara was now a friend,a human friend.So what if same goes here. Then three men appeared they have elements wind,water and earth.The Hydragonaria screamed angrily ,Retsnom attempted to stab the mouth of the dragonlord but instead,he was deafened by the scream and was distracted so Hyderga burnt him to death.Only few remain,Nina, Ayen and the the three dragohumans.But a mysterious light was shown it is so bright,but Nina, thinking the dragons are also blinded attempted to kill the Hyderga.It was not enough.With full strength.Nina has felt true power like Ayen and Josh but the dragon was strong it killed Nina instantly.Ayen was sad her friend and only friend in school was gone.This is because no one likes her except Nina because they both like adventures.The sadness and guilt ran over her and she went to Lloyd's chamber and let him free,in exchange she died because the metal was cursed. Lloyd got angry and unleashed his true potential,his power combined with the other dragohumans,had destroyed the Hyderga.The dragonlord got so angry he killed the dragohumans in a single blow.Lloyd sacrified himself to heal all the people killed by the dragons and to kill the dragons especially Hydragonaria.Chondara arrived to save the people but he was too late.they were saved, because of a sacrifice.The dragons are now dragohumans named Dragun, Drake, Dragova, Drakoz, Hyder,and Henia.They went to school,and they noticed Glenn was back.But they miss Lloyd the most.The sacrifice was flattering.But suddenly the school was gloomy,they got scared they saw a figure in shadows.It said:Fear me, for I am the King of the Shadows,Darkness,the Underworld,and all the majestic evil beings and nonbeings.

Continuing at The Shocking Revelation...................


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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