Chapter 2 My Birthday

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I wake up to the sound of my phone. It was my birthday today.

I go downstairs and waiting for me was a present and cake on the table.

My mom and dad were at work paying for my birthday party. I turned 16.

I eat a piece of cake and open my present. It was a porcelain doll.

I go to my white walled room and set it on my shelf. It looked creepy.

Since it was Saturday I go to my friend  Elle's house. She told me to come in and we talked.

I told her about the doll and she agreed that it was creepy. My mom and dad call me and say that they were not coming home that night that they got caught in a snow storm and be safe.

I asked if Elle could stay the night. Me and Elle go back to the house.

Once we walk in my room Elle noticed the doll and said that it was creepy.

Hope you in joyed this chapter. Stay tuned because I will be making another chapter here shortly. 👍🏻

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