Blood Ties and Royal Bounds (On Hold)

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Authors Note This is a little preview to see if you all like it. If you Vote! Vote! Vote! I'll know if its any good. Okeydokey here we go!

                                                     Chapter one (Lakyle)

I walk down the loud streets of what is now know as the new Mississippi. Am I supposed to be out general public? No, king James would kill any vampire for feeding before twilight. Me on the other hand is very different. He can't kill me. Even if he wanted to. You see I'm his "adopted" daughter there is something different about me that makes me powerful. I wouldn't test the king though. He is alot like me in a way (we both have short tempers). Does me being a vampire princess make me evil? No, I'm just a regular teen (even though I've been 16 years old for 307 years), but some would disagree. I'm a short girl with long red hair and red eyes instead of my normal green-blue. I'm a pretty pale (to colorless to look human) and as far as enemies go I don't have any..... Alive anyway. I listened as I walked toward the fence toward town pursing my lips. Two people were arguing a block away, a house party three blocks away, and a bon fire at the pier. I must have been caught in thought as I cut through the woods to slip through the fence. Something big came from behind and pushed us both into the granite wall. I growled angrily as I felt my skull bone reconnect. I turned and it was a brown wolf. He wasn't from around here but her wasn't a rouge either. My eyes filled with venom and he growled. I let him charge me smiling slightly. He knew then he had made a big mistake. He jumped in the air and I jumped too meeting him. I kicked my right leg out and it connected with his bottom jaw shattering it. He whimpered in pain and collapsed. I could hear the approach of another one and I turned in the direction of a grey one. He looked at his injured pack member and growled at me. I could tell he was stronger than the brown one. He charged and wasn't gonna jump he was gonna tackle me. As soon as he was coming I jumped landing on his back grabbing and snapping a leg. He yelped and rolled throwing me off his back. I rolled in the dirt land in an hunting crouch. He was on me. He clawed both my arms. I hissed at him kicking him in the side breaking three ribs. He rolled off me and I stood. I grabbed his massive head and turned it breaking every bone in his neck. He feel limp. Meanwhile I didn't notice that the brown wolf had gotten up. He growled and I turned just in time to be tackled to the ground. I hissed as he grabbed my hair pulling hard. The was a bark that made the brown wolf shake and back away from me. I recovered standing and looking around as the brown wolf slinked back behind a new black one. "stand down" a voice behind me said stern and I already new who that was. The king stepped down of the fence "Dexter, rose" he summoned and I soon felt hands grabbing my wrist and shoulders pulling me back. I growled furiously locking my eyes on the black wolf who stared back at me evenly. Rose grunted at my force as she tried to push the other way. "Calm down Lay its over" Dexter said as he leaped me easily over the bars of the fence. "it's not over!" I growled "he's still alive."

Authors Note.....Again- I've got more written already but that the preview. Please tell me what you think by commenting below and hitting that vote button up at the top. *Nibbles on a bacon strip with big puppy dog eyes* Hope you like it.  


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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