Chapter one

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I screamed as a hand covered my mouth.

"I am sorry." the man said before I felt his teeth, I assume, pierce my neck. I gave a muffled scream and he bit deep. He held my neck and head in place with his free hands. I screamed again and again until he released my neck from his mouth.

"Sweetie, I am sorry." He said as he turned me to face him. He had grey eyes, high cheek bones, and a strong face (and body). His black hair gently brushed his forehead. "I am Conner Malcolm. And I am, now, one of the last Shape-shifting elemental."

I gave confused look and tilted my head.

"I bit you, which means you are the last and most powerful one of us all. When you find your mate, bite him, Just like I have done to you." He informed me "But, unlike you, it will only take 3 days of torture. You,it will take 14 years of no sign of pain from the transformation."

"Once you have turned, you will meet two brothers Sam and Dean Winchester. They will be suspicious, frightened. They will try and control you, show them you are not a threat. Be a hero, and save us all."  He said as his skin gave off a grey hue and his eyes became all white. He opened his mouth once more and screamed before he exploded into ash, his scream carried along the wind.

In a dismembered voice, it said "You will forget this conversation and when you have turned 18 you will get glimpses of this in your sleep."  

I looked up to the sky, the moon was centered. And it was full, like the many other times I have seen it in my dreams. 

I knew, after Conner had spoken and the voice had told me what would happen, I was to leave the forest. I had tried before to stay what would happen but something pushed me out of the forest and i had woken up with a nasty bruise covering my back, shoulders, and sides.

I started my trek my way out of the forest and into the dead field. Like many times before, there was a giant tree that was swaying in the wind.

"Onyx!" Someone said, as the tree stopped swaying and started to turn to ash like the man before.

"Wake up, honey, it's your last day of school." The person hesitated, and sniffled. "Ever."

As the ground disappeared and I started to float towards the moon and the night. I could see a figure, my mom.

"Mom!" I said harshly, she knew never to wake me up. 

"Do not mom me miss eighteen year old, you still act like a 6 year old." She said her green eyes piercing me. "But, less crazy." She giggled than left the room.

I got dressed in my all my all black attire, and my hair in my normal fashion.

I ran downstairs once I finished and yelled goodbye to my mom, my dad left when I was 2. I was told his name was John or Johnny or something. 

A/N So, It's gonna be my first Supernatural Fanfic, and it more than likely will not follow the serries. It will go my own way/

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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