Chapter 1

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Friday morning


I grumbled and slapped the alarm clock  to put it on snooze and went back to sleep for a bit longer...

"Emily!!!!!" My mum screamed "your gonna be late for school!!"

Shit I overslept the second Alarm!

I jumped out of bed and started shoving my clothes on. 

I ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth and done my make up ( foundation eyeliner and mascara ) and put my hair into a messy bun.

I hopped down the stairs and gave mum a hug and grabbed a breakfast bar from the snack draw.

"Bye!" Shouted mum but I was already out the door.

I power walked to the bus stop.

When I got there the bus was just leaving until he saw me.

"NO WAIT!" I shouted

The bus suddenly stopped and the doors opened.

When I stepped on and while I was getting my ticket everyone on the bus was staring at me.

I quickly sat next to my friend Ellie.

"Why the hell are you so late!"

"I overslept my alarm"

The bus took off.

We chatted the whole way and then we arrived at school...

"Hey." Lydia said.

"Hey." Me and Ellie said at the same time.

The bell rang.

We'll see you in third period.

My first lesson was science. ( physics)

We just did this boring old work sheet about boring old space.

It took ages

My next lesson was English we were just analysing this little bit of text to practice for next years GCSEs

That's about it.

Finally it was break I ate my breakfast bar and was just chatting to Ellie Lydia and Rosie...

"Omg physics and English was boring!"
I complained.

"Well History made me fall asleep.

We chatted for a bit longer then the bell rang...

"Common then let's go to French"
Rosie said

So we all walked to French.

We sit t down in the normal row we all sit in.

Miss started the lesson off...

"Bonjour la classe, so today we are going to revise our bits of French speech ready for Monday. Talking of revising  I'm going to set you home work to revise on the weekend. So get your homework diaries out your bags please and write that in and get on with it!"

We all got our planners out...

"Is that a new boy over there?"I asked my friends

"Yep!" Rosie said.

"He's really cute isn't he!" I whispered to my friends.

"What's his name? " I asked

"Jacob" Ellie whispered

"Right that's it Ellie move next to Tom and Emily move next to Jacob. Rosie you stay there this is permanent from now on. I'm not having you talking while your doing your revision!" She shouted. Me Ellie and Rosie  looked at each other.

" lucky bitch you get to sit next to Jacob!" She whispered

"Yeah!" Ellie agreed.

I laughed "see ya " I whispered as I picked up my things and went to go and sit with Jacob...

A few minutes later ...

I was doing my revision until Jacob said...

"Hi I'm Jacob" he whispers while doing his revision.

"I know" I whisper back but then I stutter

"Umm - errh I mean I'm Emily! " I smiled.

We were kinda chatting the whole lesson and miss didn't even catch us and also luckily I didn't do anything else embarrassing which is not unusual for me I do it all the time!

I think we went from acquaintances to friends. It was the end of the lesson and I was about to walk off with my friends to have lunch but Jacob stopped me...

"Emily!!" He called to me

I turned around...


" would erh you like to have lunch with me, just me and you? "

I look at my friends

"Just go! " they both whispered

"Uhh yeah! Sure!"

Me and Jacob walked off...

Me and Jacob got our lunch and were chatting and he asked me a question.

"So um I'm not doing anything after school today just wondering if you would like to hang out in the milkshake bar?"

My phone starts to ring...
It was Joe

"Sorry I have to take this its my brother Joe " I said

"No problem "

I answered the call

"Hey Joe you okay"

"Hey ems yeah I'm fine. Just saying now I'm just gonna say that I'm coming round tonight to come and see you okay?"

"Omg yes I can't wait to see you!"

"I'm staying till Sunday!"

"Oh okay well I'll see you after school!

I end the call...

"Hey sorry my brother Joe is coming to stay till Sunday.
Anyways carry on."

"The milkshake bar? But your brother is coming round so I guess you can't..."

"Oh no that's okay I'll just say to him now that il be back at six. I'll text him now..."

I start texting Joe

The bell rings

" Well thanks for inviting me after school I'll meet you there!"

"Sure bye "


We walked away to maths...

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