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Kidou Yuuto

I pulled my sleek black Audi to a stop a few blocks away from the huge mansion, its silhouette casting a large shadow over the ground. I ran towards the house, making sure to keep myself within the shadows of various objects and buildings, I could not be seen; this moment was to significant, I wanted to know, I needed to know. Crouching behind one of the many potted plants in the back lawn, I peered into a window on the second floor; the silk curtains were slightly closed, or as I liked to think slightly drawn open. A faint figure of a human was visible, it might have been faint but I could tell who it was from miles away.

"haruna" I whispered to no one in particular "I've finally found you"

Fudou akio

Why did that man have to drag me here, I have better things to do than to sit here in his murky car, babysitting it while he goes on a hunt for some girl. But I admit he does have a way with words, whether its manipulability or blackmail, he could make you do things that you are bound to regret when you awaken from his trance.

I heard the creaking of the door, followed by the slight tilt due to the weight of kidou getting into his car.

"I see my Car is still here." Said kidou twisting the key to start up the engine.

"Don't even bring that up anymore." I say rolling my eyes. "Any luck with the girl... was it her this time or are we going to keep running on this wild goose chase.

I look at kidou, and he is shaking his head slightly

Kidou Yuuto

"Looks like we still have to chase that goose." I say to fudou

"Seriously kidou, I don't even know why I even bother to help you." Says fudou his lips slightly curling upwards.

I don't know whether to tell him the truth about haruna, we were best friends but... I would probably tell him, but not now, he doesn't need to know that she is my sister, or that I've found her. Deusta I'm coming for you.


There was blood coating the walls and floor, and a disassembled body lay infront of me. I wasn't the one that did this... it couldn't have been me... but the bloodied heart in my hands told me that I was lying. Id been trying for so long to keep this monster in control, but i wouldn't give in. it had found a way to momentarily get to use my body but I will continue to fight for a rightful ownership. If I couldn't trap him, I will have to find a way to rid of him...and fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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