Part 1

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I ran through the woods, dodging arrows as I often do. I don't know if Peter is aware of the boys using me for target practice, but that's not important right now. You're probably really confused right now, so I'll explain who I am. My name is Mary Elizabeth Darling. My friends call me Beth, at least they would if I had any friends. I live in Neverland. I'm four hundred fifty-seven years old, but you can just say I'm seventeen years old. I used to be a normal teenager until one night, when a shadow came and tried to take my three younger siblings. In order to save them, I pushed them away from the window and let the shadow take me instead. I've been here ever since.

For a while, I lived with Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. It wasn't that bad, other than being the only girl on the whole freaking island. I liked it there though. I got along with all the boys, except for a couple of stubborn ones. Pan seemed kind and none of the boys fought for real. I was happy, until Pan changed. He seemed a little harder on the boys, and he had a mischievous look in his eye all time. One night, I woke up to the screaming of a child. When I found Pan, he was shooting arrows at one of the youngest Lost Boys. I was overcome with rage and I yelled for him to stop. His excuse for the abuse was that the child had disobeyed his orders. I walked over, cut the boy loose, and told him to wait for me in my tent. I then got in a huge screaming match with Pan and decided to leave. I went back to my tent that night and, after treating Toms cuts, we ran away. I had to live in the trees at the northern tip of the island. Tom was alright for a while, and his parents somehow got here and took him home. They offered for me to come, but Tom knew that I couldn't leave unless Pan allowed me to, and there was no way that would happen.

So I've been alone for a long time, hiding from Pan. Once, I saw a ship come here, and two men docked on the shore. I saw Peter talking to them, and then they continued through the forest to a place I knew was dangerous. Suddenly, I saw one cut a branch of dreamshade and cut himself with it. I rushed from my hiding spot to help. The other man looked at me and begged for help. I cut through the vines to the waterfall behind it and filled a canteen with it. I tried to explain the price he would have to pay for using magic, but he wouldn't listen. As the other man was waking up, I thought I heard Pan, so I hid once again.

That's all of my past that you need to know for now. So back to that day. Once I got to my camp, I knew I was safe. I started a fire to cook my dinner and then go to sleep. Little had I known that soon, my days of hiding from Pan would come to an end.

Just a little authors note, I hope you like this story, I was really tired when I came up with it, so I hope you don't think it sucks. And, the picture at the top is the webkinz I named Henry..
Please don't stop reading,

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