Going home

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            Lilith pov
So it's 3:45 and I'm waiting for them to come in so exited. I hope I don't get bullied for being there daughter!
Time skip to 4:00 yay!

There here an I have to chose to sit with dad or mum I hope they don't mind me calling them that I divide to sit with mum. I ask them a question "what shall I call you " I said squashie said mum and stampy said stamps or dad I smiled 😄 when we got home there was a surprise party for me that's when I told them that now they didn't need to throw me any birthday party's cause my birthday is tomarow but they I got overloaded with presents I got an xbox a Mac a phone and best off all lots of love then we ate and watched a movie.
When it was over it was time for bed so I went to sleep. It's my birthday tomarow!
Authors note
Tells me if you want sad or happy stuff happening also if you wanna be in it tell me

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