Wedding Day

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Phantom Mangle: C'mon Chica!! The wedding's in 2 hours!!!!

Phantom Chica: I'm coming, I'm coming!!!!!! 

Phantom Mangle: Sit down!! Hurry!!!

Phantom Chica: Alright!!

Phantom Mangle: I need to hurry up with your hair!!! 

Phantom Chica: I don't think you can get me ready in under 2 hours Vix........

Phantom Mangle: You and Foxy really underestimate me. Trust me, I'll get you ready in a jiffy.

Phantom Chica: I hope so......

*Meanwhile in the office*

Phantom Freddy: HOLD STILL FOXY!!!!!!!!!!,

Phantom Foxy: I. Don't. Want. My. Hair. Combed.

Phantom BB: You have to.

Phantom Foxy: SHUT UP!!! It's not like YOU'RE gonna have a wedding in your entire life!!!!

Phantom BB:.......... I might.

Phantom Freddy and Phantom Foxy: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phantom BB: *Shuts up* 

*Springtrap's phone rings*

Springtrap: ......... Heh......*answers phone* Hello?

Phantom Mangle: *on the other side of the phone* Springy, Chica's ready.

Springtrap: That quick......

Phantom Mangle: *sighs* What's going on?

Springtrap: Foxy- Your brother will not let us comb his hair!

Phantom Mangle: Let me talk to him.

Springtrap: Foxy.

Phantom Foxy: What.

Springtrap: The phone.

Phantom Foxy: *snatches the phone* Hello?

Phantom Mangle: Foxy?

Phantom Foxy: Yeah Vix?

Phantom Mangle: You want to marry Chica don't you?

Phantom Foxy: Yeah.

Phantom Mangle: Don't keep us waiting. GET YOUR HAIR COMBED, OR ELSE I'LL COMB IT FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

Phantom Foxy: ......... Alright, alright!

*After 5 minutes of combing*

Phantom Freddy: There! Now, it wasn't THAT bad was it?

Phantom Foxy: Darn you Fred.

*10 minutes later, everyone's in the dining area*

Shabi: *Whispering* Who are we waiting for?

Phantom Mangle: One Manglebound4life's friends.

Shabi: I wonder who would that be?

Me: Where is she?!

*Door bursts open*

PurpleCelloPower: Here I am!!

Me: Thank GOD you're finally here! What took ya so long?

Maggie: Had to deal with Evan.

Me: Let me guess: He wanted to come with you?

Maggie: Yep......


*As we get into position, wedding music starts: a slow version of Its Been So Long by The Livingtombstone *

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