Food War - by Nesley Sanchez

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Story written by Nesley Sanchez

          It was a sunny day in the Ice-cream Kingdom; a boy named Jim Johnson wanted to play with his brother. Jim’s brother is going to be one of the Cherry Knights in the morning, so Jim has nothing to do but do his chores. Jim is now done his chores so he went outside, the sun was shining the weather is still the same he can still play something. He can’t think of anything to do, he thought of spying on his brother to see what he needs to do to be a Cherry Knight. Jim is thinking; what if he can be a Cherry Knight to help in the war or a Peacemaker to make peace. Jim was just thinking what started the war and who are we against, he found his mother and asked her what caused the war and who are they against. Jim’s mother told him that the Giants (Humans) like them better and they didn’t really like the Vegetable Kingdom, so the Vegetable Kingdom got so jealous that they declared war and they are giving them two weeks to prepare for war. So Jim’s mother told him that she needed to go now because she was late for her work. From that Jim decided he wanted to be a Peacemaker and talk to the Broccoli King face to face with his guards pointing spears at him. Jim now wonders how he can get to the army when he is only 14 years old and you have to be 20 to serve in the army, Jim is thinking of what to do and then an idea struck in his mind ling a lightning strike. Jim now decided he has to lie about his age; it was also a good thing that Jim was tall for his age almost as tall as his brother. Jim also needed to sneak out of the house so his mother won’t realize he was gone, for a while. Jim is now at the hiring booth near the castle of their king, he was just 2 people behind the Hiring Knight, and it is now Jim’s turn and he said he wanted to be a peacemaker. So the knight jotted his name into his list and right beside his name was peacemaker, he was so delighted about that day. The time was rushing fast and Jim didn’t even realize it was 6 more hours until he goes and speak to the Broccoli King. He is now at the castle, everything looked different that if he was on another world. After a long talk with the Broccoli King, he denied the peace treating and declared war! The Broccoli King ordered his guards to surround Jim and lock him in, Jim knew he had to get out of there but it was too late he was trapped. The guards were pointing spears at him and after Jim was about to give up, a giant spoon crashed the castle and scooped up all the guards. Jim was confused of what happened, and then before he could lift his head up he knew it was one of the Giants that saved him. From there he looked at the Broccoli King, and the Broccoli King gave up in a sudden and wanted peace again. The Broccoli King promised that he would never declare war to the Ice-cream Kingdom ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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