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"Give me your hand."

Her mother used to say she had the perfect hands. When she had first been born into the village, she had loved to play anything with strings. Many times, her mother would play a flute by her side, it was beautiful. She wanted to be perfect in every bit of music she could. It flowed through her fingers. It's been a year since her mom died. The songs more longing, and less complex in her absence. She has since gotten a harp string through the back of her hand. It was painful. The metal had to be put into her bones, but it is a piece if her.

"Don't make me ask again. Show me your hand, Ifel" her father had already gotten a new wife despite the laating pain her mothers death still has on him.

She puts her hand out. "Make the flower come out again. She needs it."

Once she had helped his new wife when she was sick. Right before they were married. She had been sad, and couldn't watch another girl go without a mom. She had a daughter. Now she won't acknowledge her existence. Now Yelnem sits on the throne, wife-less. Now she is too angry to release a flower. She nods her head. Leaving the house helped. She went to visit Rewilia.

Rewilia is the new kings daughter. Yelnem had been a kind mortal man, and now bestowed with power, repays his debts to the people who had gotten him there. He granted the kind people of the kingdom a wish in return for their help. Ifel's wish was to be able to see Rewilia till the end of her days, no matter the distance.

As Ifel steps out of her small cottage, she is transported to the kingdom. The streets are filled with merchants and happy people. Everyone smiles. She makes a small side trip before heading to the castle. Heading in to a small inn, she is greeted by a happy man named Erflin. "Are you planning on staying to play a song today lovely Ifel?" He laughs filling the small inn with happier noise.

"No sorry. I'm headed to see Rewilia. I hear the king might finally have a spot for me," Ifel can't bring herself to hold her excitement in, intending to keep it a secret.

"That's amazing. Is it an important place in his court?" Erflin becomes a little more serious.

"Yes absolutely. The Royal Family's bard is the most important thing there is," Erflin laughs heartily, "honestly I could stay here all day, but I have to go Erf. Maybe I'll come back if I get the job."

"Alright I'll see you in later then Ifey," Ifel leaves laughing.

In the ten minute walk to the castle, Ifel swings her arms behind her back, and plays on the strings in the back of her hand. She hums along to the tune. She doesn't realize it's the one her mother would always play. It was her lullaby. She didn't notice the sudden tears it struck on people when they heard it. It was a sad tune. Ifel played it slowly and soft enough to be sad. The street became a little more sad when she left it.

At the doors to the castle, the guard already knew why she was there. When she entered the castle doors, she stopped playing. The guard outside shut the doors, and fell to the ground weeping. The castle was busy and happy. There was an air to that castle that there was always a festival. Really it had just been the feast they had every month.

Ifel walked through the halls trying to skate in the marble. One of the chefs named Warmen gave her a fist bump. At Rewilia's room, Ifel ignores knocking, and walks in. Rewilia quickly pulls up her shirt. Ifel doesn't look, just flops into her bed face first. Rewilia had ordered a dress completely made of vine thread and leather leaves as a joke. It had actually come. It almost looked like cloth. "It doesn't even feel waxy. Ifel feel this you jerk."

"But your bed is so comfy. Five more minutes."

"Fine whatever," Rewilia lays a dress over Ifel's head, "put this on and grab your strings."

"Fine," Ifel whines.

After putting on the dress, Rewilia looks at her a little confused, "Where are your instruments?"

"Don't need 'em," Ifel holds up her hand, "I got these."

"Is that really enough?"

"No," Ifel puts on a little arm bracelet.

She pulls the ends of the string out of her hand strings out, and ties them to
The bracelet. She fixes them a few times before speaking again, "this will do."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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