Lost, but never forgotten

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(Hey guys, I thought I'd take a little break from Sonadow Boom for a little bit, which is probably a day and I thought of this little piece. So, I'm warning you now, it is sad but other then that, enjoy.)

"Okay, everyone, don't make any noise. We're approaching the base now." Sonic whispered to the gang. You see, Sonic, Shadow, Amy and Tails had heard that Doctor Eggman was planing something to attack the city, and they wanted to put his plan to rest before he could strike. Sonic and the gang were behind a big rock, about 30 feet away from the entrance to the base. He slowly peaked his head out from the side of the rock, and saw about a dozen robots guarding the entrance. "How's it looking?" The ebony hedgehog whispered into the azure hedgehogs ear. Shadows soft breathe from the whisper on Sonics ear made a slight chill travel down his spine, even when he tried to ignore it. "It's heavily guarded.. About a dozen robots out in front." Shadow nodded. Then, Amy stepped up. "How about Shadow and I tackle the robots, while Tails helps you get inside?" Sonic thought it was a good plan, "But what about you guys? What if you need backup or something?" Amy flicked her wrist and her Piko Piko hammer appeared in her other hand. "Backup? Please, those robots don't stand a chance against us. C'mon Shadow, let's go!" Amy gave Shadow a playful nudge in the arm as she ran out and towards to the robots. Shadow looked into Sonics emerald orbs. Then, Sonic quietly spoke, "Please be careful." Shadow nodded as he ran off the help Amy. Sonic watched and smiled. "Are you ready Sonic?" Sonic turned around to face his best friend, Tails. He nodded and grabbed Sonics hands. The twin failed fox wound up his tails and flew with Sonic towards the roof of the base.

Meanwhile, Amy was smashing robots into pieces with her giant Piko Piko hammer, while Shadow was simply destroying them with chaos spears. About 15 minutes later, the robots were all destroyed. Shadow busted through the door with a chaos spear, letting both hedgehogs get inside the base. When inside, they were greeted by Sonic and Tails. "I'm glad you guys are okay." Sonic said as he walked up to Shadow and nuzzled into his chest fur. Shadow blushes a little bit before responding, "Trust me, they were a little harder to beat than I thought." He put a hand on Sonics ear and rubbed it, causing Sonic to purr a little bit. Amy and Tails looked at each other and chuckled. "Come on, lovebirds. You can cuddle each other later, right now we have to stop Eggman." Amy said with a smile. Sonic and Shadow both nodded, as Sonic placed a small kiss on Shadows lips before speeding off in front of the gang to make sure the path was clear. Shadow smiled and walked ahead, with Tails and Amy giggling, not far behind.

A few minutes later, alarms and bells were going off in the halls of the metal base. "Alert. Intruders spotted in sector 3. Intruder spotted in sector 3." Played continually as Sonic and Shadow destroyed robots that came in their way with their trusty spin attack. When they arrived at the main lab, the gang was faces by Eggman. "Well well well, if it isn't Sonic and his pesky band of circus freaks." He laughed. Sonic and Shadow both got in their battle positions, protecting Amy and Tails from any surprise attacks that came their way. "What are you up to this time, Eggman!" Shadow shouted. Eggman smirks as he ran towards a little hovercraft of his. Sonic was about to run up to him, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Shadow. "Sonic look!" He pointed up towards the roof of the base. Then, it opened. There stood a gigantic robot, with many lasers and missiles attached to it. "Woah that thing is huge!" Amy yelled as she watched the robot grow taller and taller. "Now, prepare to be destroyed! Once and for all!" Eggman floated to the robots side and pushed a button on the control panel. The machine immediately tried to attack Sonic and Shadow, but they easily avoided it, due to their amazingly fast speeds. "Amy! Tails! Attack it's torso, we'll go for the head!" Shadow called out. The two friends nodded as they went to work trying to leave a dent in the robots metal armour. Sonic and Shadow began to run circles around the robots feet, leaving it distracted to Amy and Tails could attack. The robots took steps backwards, destroying the walls of the base. They were fighting near the cliff behind the base. Then, Amy got a good swing at the robot, causing it to fall. Sonic and Shadow both smirked, as they both aimed a homing attack at the head. They both successfully hit the head, causing little sparks of electricity to fly out of the head. "Why you little.." Eggman said to himself as he began pushing buttons randomly. "Get up, Get up, Get up!!" He yelled at the robot as it slowly stood up and began to attack again. Soon, the battle started to feel like it was dragging on forever. It also started to rain, making the soil slippery and making it hard for Sonic and Shadow to run on.. It also caused the robot to start to short circuit a bit. "This rain is really getting on my nerves!!" Sonic shouted as he tried to keep his balance on the muddy cliff. Eggman smirked, as he took the rain to his advantage. He pressed a button on the control panel, which was supposed to make the robot attack Sonic, but instead, the robot began to break down, and little sparks flew everywhere. "No no no! This can't be happening!!" Eggman flew his hovercraft onto robots head, and attached himself to it to see if he could control it from there instead. Sadly, it didn't work as the robot began to slip from the slippery mud on the cliff. Sonic and Shadow had stopped running, and walked over to protect Amy and Tails. They were all soaked from the storm. Shadow wasn't convinced that the robot was done for, so he ran over to deliver a final strike to it. "Shadow!! No!!" Sonic called out but it was too late. Shadow had jumped into the air and used a chaos spear on the robots head, knocking Eggman unconscious so he couldn't escape the drop below. The robot slipped and fell down the cliff, into the extremely deep drop below.

Just as Shadow was ready to land back on the cliff, one of his jet skates didn't land back on the cliff. "WOAH!!" He yelled as he fell backwards off of the cliff. "SHADOW!!!" Sonic yelled with a few tears in his eyes as he ran over as fast as he could. He looked over to see Shadow holding on by the ledge below. Sonic leaned over the cliff, and held out his arm for Shadow to grab. Shadow was panicking slightly, as he grabbed Sonics hand. Sonic was struggling with difficulty, trying to hold both Shadows and his own weight on the cliff. Tails decided to fly over and help him. He grabbed onto Sonics ankles and tried to pull the 2 hedgehogs up. "Ugh!!! I c-can't carry you!!" Tails struggled and tried to keep flying for as long as he could. Shadow looked up at Sonic, who's emerald eyes were pale and bleak, and had a river of tears streaming down the sides of his muzzle. "Sonic." Shadow said as the azure hedgehog looked down at him with a face of worry. "Let go of me." Sonics jaw dropped as he began to cry even harder. "I CAN'T LET GO OF YOU!! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Shadow tried to talk him into letting him go. "Sonic. I'd rather you and Tails be safe than me. Please, let me go. I want to save you." Sonic just stared into the ebony hedgehogs ruby orbs. "NEVER! I HAVE TO SAVE YOU! I CAN'T LET YOU GO, I LOVE YOU!" Shadow began to cry as well. "I'm saving you.. And that's that. I love you Sonic," Shadow said as he slipped out of Sonics grasp and fell towards what seemed like a bottomless pit. To Sonic, everything seemed to move in slow motion. He watched as the love of his life, Shadow the hedgehog, the ultimate lifeform, fell to his death. "SHADOW!!! NOOOO!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as he felt himself being pulled up over the cliff. Amy ran over to Sonics side, as she watched him sob and panic at the exact same time. "NO! I HAVE TO SAVE HIM!! LET ME GO PLEASE I HAVE TO PLEASE!!" Tails was holding onto Sonics wrists as the azure hedgehog tried to wiggle free of his grasp. "SONIC NO! WE CAN'T LOOSE YOU!" Sonic turned around and looked at Tails and Amy with an angry, depressed look on his face. "YOU'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND! I NEED HIM!!" Sonic finally shook out of Tails grasp as he ran towards the cliff. "S-SONIC...? WHAT A-ARE YOU..?" Amy and Tails both watched Sonic in horror. Sonic closed his eyes and held his hands close to his heart..... As he leaned forward and fell off the cliff. He sobbed on the way down, not knowing how much longer he would be falling for, how much longer he had to live. Just then, everything stopped. Sonics body... Relaxed. He stopped crying. He stopped shaking. His face showed no emotions. His body was limp. A few seconds after his body went limp, it came in contact with hard ground. When his body his the hard ground, it made a large crack noise. "I see you... Decided to join me.." Sonic turned to see... Shadow. But, it wasn't Shadow. "S-Shadow? Y-you're now d-dead?" He asked in shock. "I am dead. You're dead too. This is my ghost. And I'm talking to your ghost." Sonics ghost looked down to see his real body. His azure fur stained in red velvet liquid, his neck snapped in a way that didn't even looked like it could be snapped in, one of his legs detached from his body. "I-I died..?" Shadows ghost nodded. "Why Sonic." He looked at Shadow. "I wanted to be at peace. With you. " He said as a tear rolled down his face and blended in with the raindrops from the storm. Shadow gave him a warm smile. "Now.. We can finally be at peace. Together." They both linked hands as they floated up into the stormy clouds, until they found their way to be at peace forever.

Wow, I teared up when I wrote this. I hope you enjoyed this story. Until next time, peace. -HedgieHeroLuvers

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