Chapter 25: Cashmere

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My feet ached as my shoes rubbed against the backs of my heel. My legs felt like jelly and a side sticker found a home right next to my oblique. My left hand pressed against the sore spot on my torso as we continued forward. Crystal still walked in front of us, to angry to turn and wait for us. People pushed past as we hurried to keep up. I gripped onto Wilt's shoulder and linked arms with Aqua as went. Huge buildings towered over us in a threatening way. It felt like they tilted in towards the streets, like we were closed in. That just pushed me faster.

It was warm, a steady breeze kept us relatively cool, but I could tell that Crystal had sweat through her shirt. She wasn't as tolerant to warmth as the rest of us-especially me. My long pants made me a little warm, but frankly, I didn't even feel it.

"Can we just, like, rest for two seconds?" I asked, rubbing my side sticker. Wilt glanced over at me, her joking self disappeared in an instant.

"Crystal's right, we really don't have time for joking around or resting. He could raise his army any second. We have to beat him." Wilt urged. I groaned and let out a complaint.

"Fie minutes couldn't hurt..." Aqua shrugged. "Hey Crystal, hold up!" she called out to Crystal. She didn't turn, just leaned back against a shopping store's window while I took in deep breaths. I let out hot air and glanced up. And up. And up. Right across the street was a hotel, a triangular pattern snaked up the building's front. On the top, a tall, red and white pole stuck up from the top towards the sky. It was thick, sturdy, windows lined the sides of the building. All at once, I felt a tug. My hand slowly moved forward, outstretched towards the building. Panic pinged through me and I looked over at Aqua. Her hand was facing the building, too. Her fingers twitched and she took a slow step forward.

"What is this." Wilt whispered. I remembered three years ago when we were dragged together, like a string pulling us. Like puppets.

"I think we should go in there." Aqua replied. My eyes scanned across the sign above the glass doors.


"A hotel?" I questioned. Suddenly, a powerful tug pulled out into traffic. I cried out as taxi's honked and swerved around me. I had no option but to quickly run across the road, my hands covering my head as I prayed that no cars would hit me. When I was safely to the other side, I waved the others to follow. Crystal was the first one across, a painful look on her face.

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Yea." she mumbled, taking in deep breaths. I looked up, then through the glass doors.

"You ready?" Wilt asked us. I looked over at her.

"Dr. Shep's lab can't be in a hotel." I said doubtfully. "This place is to fancy." I admired the outside.

"I can feel it." Wilt narrowed her eyes at the building. Then, before I could scream for her to stop, she threw the doors open and walked in. When no one shot her, stabbed her, punched, kicked, or grabbed her. We followed suit. It was quiet in there. There was a woman behind a wood desk, she typed away at a computer, her hair pulled back to reveal an American woman. She didn't look up at us or pull a gun on us. All good. I looked around. It was gorgeous. Flowers sat in pots around the room, there was a fire place, very comfy looking chairs and tables with mints.

But still, nothing happened. Wilt glanced at us and shrugged.

"Yo!" Wilt called, walking up to the front desk. The woman's eyes flickered up at us and I shook my head in horror.

"What is she doing?" Aqua whispered in my ear. I continued to shake my head.

"Is there someone named Dr. Shep here?" Wilt blurted. "We need to talk to him. It's really important." The woman scrunched her nose at the sight of us.

"I'm sorry, are you trying to book a room?" she asked in a dull tone. "Because we're not open for that at the moment. We are under construction." Wilt sighed.

"No. Gosh, were you listening? Dr. Shep, is there someone staying here with that name?" Wilt asked again. "Wait." Wilt stopped. "The rooms are under construction?"  The woman scowled at her and turned to her computer.

"Yes. Gosh, were you even listening?" the woman mimicked then cocked her head to the side as if listening to something. To someone. Then she stood up and walked out from behind the desk. "I'm taking my break now. Feel free to take a brochure sitting on the tables. If your interested in a room, please call and we'll let you know when our rooms are available." the woman pushed the glass doors open and left. She disappeared in the crowded streets. I watched, stunned.

"What the heck was that?" Crystal asked fearfully. I bit my lip and spun, looking around.

"So, the Century Tower's under construction?" Aqua muttered. "I don't think so." she said. "I think this is Dr. Shep's lab you idiot!" She screamed to the glass doors, as if the woman could still hear her. I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her. "What? She-"

"No." I put my finger on her lips. "Listen." I whispered. I closed my eyes and let the sound fill my ears. The sound of metal, grinding against each other in harmonious tones. The sound of an elevator descending. We all turned on our heels towards the elevator and uncurled our hands. Mine shook with fear. Suddenly, all around us, metal slabs dropped in front of windows, doors, even the receptionist's desk. They hit the ground with a satisfying locking sound. Well, that'll block us from exiting. Like we were going anywhere, anyway. We were left in darkness except for a few light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. However, I started to panic, fear crippling my body. Then there was a DING.

And the elevator opened.

And a voice followed.

"You're not supposed to be alive."

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