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"I'm quitting my job."
"Nigga I heard you but I didn't hear a reason."

I let go of her hair and scratched the back of my neck nervously making dumb nigga noises. I looked like the poster boy for the National Dumb Nigga Association. I debated whether or not I wanted to tell her the truth...but I don't want to start a relationship with lies so here goes nothing.

" wouldn't want your boyfriend to be fucking other females, right?"

She froze, an unreadable look on her face. Then her face started to soften into almost an embarrassed look. She smiled at me.

"Boyfriend. Unless you don't want me." I looked away.

It fell silent in the room. She didn't respond. I could feel the awkwardness spreading through the room rapidly. I started to sweat at the thought that she didn't feel the same way even after blurting out that she loved me. I took a shallow breath, preparing to play it off as a joke but she beat me to the punch.

"Yes I want you. I've wanted you for a little while now." She mumbled.
"Y-You do want me."
"I mean...I figured you knew already. I've already told you that I love you..."
"Good. Cause I think of you constantly...I'm never satisfied unless I'm dealing with you. I literally have had a dream about you every night since you left here a month ago. And the only reason I sent you home for a month isn't because you fought Jessie, it's 'cause I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't have sex with you for 30 days but I knew it would be fucking impossible with you less than 60 feet away from me at all times. I knew I'd cave after 48 hours. I had to get you out of this house as quick as possible. I hope you didn't think it was anything I had against you. You had my mind completely gone. I was so far out there that it got in the way of my work. For some reason I felt really guilty during classes and I realized it was because I felt like I was cheating on you...even though we never even said we were together. I know that sounds a little crazy but I can't explain it."
"I get it. You want me and only me. I feel the same way. I met so many people over the past 30 days and even though I found some of them attractive I couldn't bring myself to like them in that way. It's insane."

I stared at her. I could feel the smile on my face slowly getting bigger. She questioned me. I shook my head as if to brush it off before I pulled her body closer to mine. Together we rolled into the center of my bed on our sides. I stared into her gorgeous eyes simply wondering where this new relationship was going to take us. She poked her lips out at me. I pecked them softly. She reached up and pulled a curl.

"These weren't here last time I was." She smiled.
"I can cut it. I've been meaning to."
"No don't...they're really cute."
"Hm? Cute? Did you just call me cute?"
"Yes. They're very cute!"
"That's it. I'm shaving them. I'm not cute. I'm a sexy ass nigga and you know it."
"Yes, Chris. You are a sexy motherfucker and not even some cute ass curls can change that. Wait are those freckles?"
"Yes...they're freckles. Don't tell me you never noticed."
"Well every time we get together we're either arguing or fucking so I never really had the time to notice. But they just demoted your threat level from would fuck me into a coma  to would try to make me scream."
"That's real cute. You know what I'm capable of."
"Yes I know." She continued to play with my curls.
"...I'm thinking about bleaching it blonde."
"Blonde curls? Well...blondes have more fun."
"Does that mean what I think it means?"

I jumped out of bed quickly throwing on a pair of jeans and the nearest T-shirt I could find...which happened to be on her body. Well a little eye candy before I run into the closest Walmart can't hurt. She stood up just as I got my shoes on and looked up at me. I took one last glance at her before jetting out the door.


He's gonna bleach it blonde...that's a thought that's never crossed my mind before. I mean I guess he could pull it off because it won't clash with his skin tone. I got up and dug up the sweats I wore over here from the pile of discarded clothes left earlier. After quickly putting my bralet back on I grabbed my pair of panties and went back to mine and Nayumi's room. She was sprawled out on her bed sound asleep. She's such a pretty girl...and she's super sweet. It's a shame she had to be in this class. It's going to completely ruin her innocence. I shook my head at the thought before taking off my clothes once again to put on something to sleep in. A pair of shorts and a loose spaghetti strap crop top is what I'll wear tonight. After changing clothes I crawled into bed with my sketch book and doodled until I got sleepy. That was the moment when the door flung open and I lost every bit of happiness in my body.

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