5 Years!

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Oh my shit. One Direction have been together for 5 years! Technically at 8 but I've been celebrating all day. I am so proud of my boys for getting through the bullshit and even though Zayn doesn't consider himself a part of the band in my heart he is. I want to thank the boys for the 5 most amazing years. For giving up so much to be with the fans. To be with each other. They were there for me Through The Dark. They made me feel so Alive. Without them I would be Half A Heart. I danced to the Best Song Ever for years. They reminded me to Live While We're Young. They all have that One Thing that drives me crazy. One Way Or Another you made me feel happy. I Want you guys to keep going for many more years. We made so many Midnight Memories. No other band can make me feel the same way. Its Gotta Be You. You're all so Irresistible. You didn't let me forget where I belong. I obviously wanted to be your Last First Kiss but that obviously didn't happen. Lmao. You weren't my Summer Life but oh whale. I don't regret all those Moments I spent online because of you guys. I would do it all Over Again if I had to. Even if I'm 18 I won't forget you. And Once In A Lifetime you find someone who changes your life. And for me. That was you. Thank you for saving my life. For making me happier through all the bullshit. And if it really is close to the end then I want you to know I will hold on to everything. To the concert. To the albums. To the shirts. Posters. Magazines. Everything. I love you guys so much.


Imagines//LyricsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora