Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I am so sorry I am so bad at updating! However, I am trying out again and I hope you guys will like it!
In addition, I got some ideas from @jujoy16 so credit goes to her on this one! Thank you very much! :) Also In addition, there will be more girls there then just Celina and Cathrine (it would be a little lonely just the two of them wouldn't it?) so if anyone wants to be part of the novel as well just write to me (character and information ofc) in inbox and then we will figure it out :) So let's begin!

Narrators POV: 
It has been 2 weeks at the military camp and to the boys' surprise; Celina and Cathrine had not been that much trouble.

Of cause, there had been a few slip up here and there but it was not too bad so the girls only had to do chores, either in the kitchen, bathrooms or in their cabin.
(Which was a mess most of the time) 
but if you asked the girls they world rather that then take a spanking from one of the officers. 

It was Monday afternoon and the officers Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam and Zayn were in the dining hall drinking coffee and enjoying the silence for once.
(There are 40-50 girls on this military camp!) Most of the girls were either outside running their laps (There are more officers then the boys and they all have a group of girls with 2-3 in it with 2-4 officers as well)
with the supervision of their officers of cause or they were doing chores. Therefore, the boys sat and talked a little about Celina and Cathrine's behavior for the past week.

Liam's POV:
The boys and I have been sitting in the dining hall in about 20 minutes now, talking about our girl's behavior from the past week.
I have to say that they have been behaving quit well, even through Cathrine did let out a few curse words this morning.
"Louis what was it that made Cathrine curse this morning? She usually doesn't curse." I said looking over to Louis.
"Well when I was trying to wake her up gently she refused to get up, so I didn't see other choices then to give her a few smacks on her bum. By doing so she sprang up and started cursing at me until she realized who she was cursing at."
I just shook my head, disappointed by her actions.
"What about Celina? In the start it seemed like she would be the one most troublesome out of the two of them." Harry joined in on our conversation. "Yeah I thought so to. Maybe we shouldn't judge a book by its cover?"
Niall shook his head. "Nah, I think that girl is trying to fool us. She did try to blame her own sister for smoking, Zayn you, out of all of us should know how hard it is to quit smoking just like that." Zayn looked at Niall and nodded. "It's not just something you quit one day to another.
I do know that yes. But for now let's just keep an eye out for them and enjoy the peace while it lasts, right boys?"
Zayn says while looking at all of us. "I agree, let's just be happy that we haven't had to tan their hides for this week." I say while leaning against the hard wooden char. "But I don't think it's going to last for long."
Niall says as he looks at the door to the dinning hall. Moreover, just then, Cathrine comes through the door and stands in front of us.
"Okay I cleaned up the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, my room, and outside what else do you want me to do?" She says while looking very exhausted.
"Good, then you are done for now Cathrine." Harry says while looking at her.
"Thank god! I'm so tired!" She indeed did look like she could faint any minute now.
Zayn gets up from his chair and goes into the kitchen and a few seconds later, he comes back with a cold water bottle and hands it to her. "Here, you deserve it."
"Thank you Zayn!"
Zayn gives her a stern look. "Oh, sorry! I mean Officer Malik! So sorry sir! Please no more cleaning!" She says quickly, scared she would be punished for making the mistake.
Zayn gives her a reassuring look that it was okay, she sighs in relief and quickly gulps down her water bottle and we all look at her in amazement of how quickly she was.
She looked at us when done with the bottle.
"Don't mind me I'm heading out, so continue whatever you're doing" She was about to leave when Niall asked her. "Wait! Where is Celina? I haven't seen her since breakfast."
Cathrine turns around and scratches the back of her head. "Actually I don't know, she's probably up to trouble like always," She says with a shrug and then heads back out of the dining hall.
Harry sighs and looks back at us. "Girls..." I just shake my head and grin. "Tell me about it."
So! What do you all think? I hope the grammar was okay and not confusing! I am a bit rusty but I did my best. This one was a little boring and short, I know but it is only the beginning!
Love you all and thank you for the support! I will try to update at least 2-3 times a month! Love you all very much and thank you for reading! <3 

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