Chapter 2

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I wake up to the bright sun coming through my window as it does every morning.

I look down to see that I'm still in my ball gown from last night, how that is I don't know. I'm suddenly reminded of the horrible things that had happened. My father kicked everyone out of the castle and I will probably never see Roman ever again. He really was the nicest man I've ever met. With his curly brown hair that goes to his ears, a fair complexion, and green eyes. Oh his eyes. There was something about them that enticed me and mesmerized me. They were so intriguing with mystery, I just couldn't look away.

There's a knock at my door. "Come in", I say as I'm pulled out of my day dream.

My mother enters, "Jewels your father and", she says pausing for a moment.

"What?", I ask perturbed.

"You look... horrible", she says blatantly.

"I know mother, I kind of had a rough evening last night, if you couldn't tell", I continue, "A little help please?", I ask pointing to my corset.

She walks over as she continues to say what she was before, "Your father and I are very sorry for what happened last night. We would like to make it up to you by throwing you another party for your birthday, and this time specifically for your birthday not giving your hand away in marriage. We realized how young you are and how much we love you. How does that sound?"

"Another party to make up for one that would have been just fine if father wasn't being so childish", I spat. "That sounds grand!", I say storming off to my bathroom.

"Sweetheart...", she pleads.

"Just go! Do what you please!"

I take a look at myself in the mirror and realize that I do look horrible, my mascara has run all down my face and it's dried now. I must've cried myself to sleep last night. That honestly doesn't surprise me in the least. After all, possibly the best night of my life was ruined because my father decided to be irrational and crash my party because our trading companion for linens finally said no to our agreement.

Although I wouldn't mind having another ball if it means I get to see Roman again, and perhaps share another dance with him like we did last night. Oh it was magical. There is absolutely nothing like it in the world. The way we moved swiftly across the floor as if we have been dancing for years together and were molded together, when in fact we just met that night.

He made me feel alive for once in my life. Everyday around here is so drab and boring. That's why I thought this party was a good idea because for once the castle would be alive for the first time in what feels like forever.

"Ugh, I can't sit here all day", I mutter to myself.

I make sure my face is clear of the modern art that found its' way upon it, I go out to my room and head to my closet looking for something casual to wear to town. I'm feeling adventurous today. Now I know what you're thinking 'going into town is adventurous?' well for a princess it is very adventurous.

I find a pale blue commoner style dress in hopes to possibly fit into the crowd. I get dressed and then doll myself up because after all I never know who I might run into. I mean I know I won't run to Roman because he's a prince from a different kingdom, there's no way he'd be on these grounds.

I run downstairs and out the back door to the stables to fetch my horse Jewel. As soon as I mount her, Ava comes running out.

"My lady!", she yells to me.

"Yes Ava?"

"Your parents have rescheduled your party for this Saturday my lady"

"This Saturday!"

"Yes my lady"

"Well, tell them...", I say hesitating. "Tell them that's fine", I say giving in to the idea of the fast turnaround. With that I ride off to town.

The wind blows ever so gently with grace as Jewel gallops down the draw bridge at the entrance to the castle. Thoughts of the curly haired green eyed man flash through my mind and I dream of him and me riding into the sunset on a white horse, and never returning. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as my horse stops at the entrance to town. I dismount her and tie her to the various posts in the ground and head in.

I realize that I have a quaint little town practically at my doorstep and under my father's order, unfortunately. I wish it was me because so many things would be different. Such as I would always have people invited into the castle. I feel as though so many people view us as stuck up arrogant rulers that just want to take control of others' lives. If we opened the gates more often we would give them sense that we are more like them and aren't so high and mighty. Although I have a very strong feeling my father would disagree with that.

I run across a couple of kids playing in the street and I walk up to them.

"Hi there, are you all having fun?"

"Our parents taught us not to talk to strangers", the eldest responds.

That's when an all too familiar voice comes out from the shadows.

"That's ok kids, she's not a stranger, she's actually a good friend of mine", Derrick says.

Derrick is an old friend whom my parents swore up and down that we were going to get married one day. Well you see where we are now, and that's not happening. Plus he's a commoner; I could never marry a commoner, let alone like one. Ok maybe I had a little thing for him when we were younger, but give me a break I was young and foolish I had no idea what I was doing!

"It's good to see you Jewels", he says using my mother's nickname for me.

"Hi Derrick", I say in a hushed tone.

"Are you embarrassed by me, my lady?"

"No. don't say that either, you'll blow my cover"

"Your cover? Oh please everyone knows who you are, especially after the ball last night" he says scoffing.

"Look that was not my fault, ok?", I say frustrated.

"I know, but still it was pretty memorable", he says laughing, so I punch him in the arm. "Ok Ok calm down no need to go all kung-fu on me"

I deliberately roll my eyes. "Whatever Derrick"

"Oh, happy birthday by the way"

"Thanks", I say blushing.

"So, who was that guy you were dancing with last night?", he inquires.

"Which one?", I say chalking it up to nothing. "I danced with a lot of guys"

"As I recall you only danced with one guy and you seemed pretty interested in him and he the same"

"I don't know, I guess he's the mystery man", I say hiding Roman's identity.

"Uh huh sure"

"I don't know him I swear." That isn't a lie either because technically I don't know him, I just know his name.

"Well I hope you find him because you two looked made for each other", he states rather humbly.

"Me too", I say quietly.

^^A/N Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as the last one! Please, please, please VOTE and COMMENT what you think about it so far J I hope you all will continue reading this story oh and don't forget about my other story Treatment, it needs your love! Anyway don't forget to spread the word and happy reading!!


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