Chapter 5

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 To all it concerns. So everyone who reads this. Writing each chapter takes a lot of my time. I would appreciate it, that when you do read a chapter, that you either comment or vote. I am not being cruel  or anything but i would like at least 5 or 6 votes a chapter. It really isnt that hard to achieve you know. With as many people that read this story, it should be easy.

all rights of harry potter go to J.K. Rowling




Harry stared in horrified shock as his soon-to-be potions professor and his aunt stared at each other. Harry stood up and watched as his Aunt and Severus untangled themselves but that didn't stop them from staring at each other as they did so.

Harry cleared his throat nervously, causing Severus to whip his head around to look at him. Petunia just stared at Severus with a look that Harry couldn't decipher.

"Potter?" Snape questioned in a disbelieving tone.

"Hello sir. I know you don't really know me but I need to speak with you. It is very important. Could we talk after I get some things from the apothecary?" Harry asked, silently pleading in his mind.

"I guess that will be alright," Severus sad after a moment. "I will just speak with you Aunt while we wait for you."

Harry nodded and headed into the apothecary to purchase some animagi potions and mal-nutrition potions.

Severus turned to Petunia.

"How are you here?" He asked flatly.

"It t-turns out I'm a w-witch," Petunia then went on to explain the day before and how Harry had realized she had magic.

Severus' eyes went wide when Petunia said how they found out she was a witch.

"Tuney, you have got to be really powerful if you can do a summoning spell wandlessly and no experience whatsoever!" Severus exclaimed, eyes wide before schooling his expression.

Petunia nodded silently as Harry walked back out of the apothecary carrying a small bag.

"Follow me please," Harry said as he walked to the Leaky Cauldron.

Severus inwardly sneered at Harry but followed Harry none the less.

Petunia silently followed, wondering how to tell Vernon her new found discovery.

As the trio entered the Leaky Cauldron, the noise level went down to murmurs as the whole pub watched the three sit down in a secluded corner away from everyone else, where no one could hear them.

Harry and Petunia sat down next to each other while Severus sat across from them. Harry cast a notice-me-not charm so no one would bother them.

"Mr. Potter , what is it you needed to talk about?" Severus asked, trying to not look Harry in the eyes.

"Well, er, I don't know exactly how to start...I might as well introduce myself. Lord Harold James Potter," Harry said putting out his hand.

Severus eyed Harry a second before shaking Harry's hand, "Severus Snape."

"Well since introductions are out of the way, will you please tell me why you are now a 'Lord'?" Petunia questioned, raising an eyebrow in a way that Harry thought it was Snape-ish.

"Er.. yesterday, when Hagrid took me to Gringotts, I asked if I could speak with the Potter accountant and I talked to Griphook about accepting Lordship of the Potter family. So mainly I basically emancipated myself in the Wizarding world. I am now a legal adult in the Wizard world, meaning I can do magic without getting in trouble with the law," Harry explained, not looking at his aunt or soon to be professor.

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