- while all the Masters titles exam are near to take place again in the north, warriors are giving there best in the training and attending their classes, every bunch of warriors had there own teacher. Warriors below master level are training usually by a master or a National master in some cases , national masters students train under three international masters for the best experience efficiency. Captain Jurika and Minister Vorlkano are the responsibles of the application of the exam and the title must be credited by them to be earned,in case of failing the exam three times you can't pass it again only after 5 years later.
Masters made a circle on there chosen teacher Ashin Valkisvayner a NM , the legal heir of the wealth of the Valkisvayner family the richest and the north and Vizvarland, some rumors say that the Valkisvayner are from the north royal palace , they are the purest ancestors of the north and all their grandparents were kings of the north except the current one after all it's just a rumor.
Ashin Valkisvayner:Hello everyone!!! while nothing left for the exams you must be stressed aren't you? Mm... well I am not here to say that I will help you, and everything will be ok , and you'll get the master title sadly things don't work like that in reality, listen to me all of you want to achieve it ,to achieve the real power even if you get the master title then you'd have to pass NM title, after that you'll need to pass the IM title, in perfect world if you pass all the exams, without failing, it may take you 30 years , for me you can a shorter way and gain more power ,no other teacher can say that ,they are afraid imagined with all the training you take and to be scared to express your views then whats the meaning of your might?
Student A: big words coming out of your mouth Mr Valkisvayner, compared to someone failed three times to pass the IM exam and sorry for being a bit rudely!
Ashin Valkisvayner: Great ! great! I really appreciate your honesty at least you said what's in your heart, everyone, everyday gives that look masters, national, international masters, ministres but they can't say nothing to one of the Valkisvayners .
Student B: what's the shortest way that gives us more power??
Ashin: Very good question! But I think you need it to figure it out by yourself, but because I am a very kind person and I love my students and I trust them and also I respect their freedom , escape the "talented sheeps system" and do everything possible legal ,forbidden to great your might, and aim to the legends level and get higher and higherto Grandmasters and surpass them because nothing is possible!!!.
Student C: you mean ,no you really mean to give up on the exams and chase the real power aren't you ?
Ashin: No those were only the words came out of my mouth , that ain't the meaning, I meant the life in the north is simply a delusion and if you want power you need to wake , can't you see I am trying to wake you up all of you .most of you wouldn't have been alive today, one that a day a monster has conquered the north and no one were able to stop it no one of the talented sheeps, even they were veryyy talented, I was there I have seen everything, and I still see it the failure of all energy power users of all grades ,all styles, all defenses didn't stop one guy who wasn't even fighting back with his all might , tell me do you want to be like them ,I don't blame them you can't blame the weak of being weak , you only blame yourself of being weak to anyone.
Student A: You are only saying Ashin just you failed of being the warrior you dream you would be that's all maybe luck of energy power or powerful techniques
Ashin Valkisvayner: Ohh !!! mentioning that , make really wants to know your answer about what makes the warrior stronger them anyone is the energy power amount or the techniques, I have my own answer but I am willing to know yours.
Student B: the energy pow... [Interrupted]
Ashin: False !!!!!! Sadly it's not the energy power is something you born with it you can't improve to much , however you increase it, someone born with a huge energy power compared to you can surpass your energy in no time your 10 years training on increasing your energy power can cut short in three months .
Student B: techniques? Right, Right?, why are you silence why?? you started this discussion?
Ashin Valkisvayner: I didn't wait someone to wake me up ,I questioned myself that question 17 years ago when Hanamayatchi got defeated, it was a clear example of techniques beat energy power nothing no doubt about it ,but I wasn't right ,some warriors have a really terrified techniques but they will never can perform it .
Student A: luck of energy power , they're not born with huge amount of it, even if he increases it by training, he can only do it once in the battle and may can't make any other techniques after that only if didn't perform any other technique, failing that technique in the fight leaves with no energy power in his body.
Ashin Valkisvayner: Look how we jumped from a stupid exam to a real life example, yes now you're right that was good conclusion by you.
Student c: so the real power is to ghater both energy power and try master the best techniques, to achieve the level of legend or a grandmaster.
Ashin: Exactly !!! you're getting good guys, it's possible we're not grandmasters, they are in whole other level wayyy better then ,there are in their own league by themselves, but the legends and some few warriors achieved their levels. So you can of course none of you will here ,only those who woke up by themselves can but at least you have some knowledge now!
Student "C": We can't Okey thank you for being honest, and now what are you doing to help us to pass the exam?
Ashin: if you want to achieve that level, the first you must do is to reject that you can't I know logically it's impossible to achieve the Gm level ,but you need to reject that fact and push yourself to hell ( laughing)
Student D: you didn't answer our question , how can we pass the exam?
Ashin Valkisvayner: I don't care about your exams ,why do I care ? I don't serve to create more talented sheeps, we have enough. Pass or not , I am Ashin Valkisvayner passing or not will add to me nothing, I already have almost everything ,goodbye first class and the last one is over!!! (long smile)!!!
-while students are getting out Kamasaki enter to meet Valkisvayner!!
Kamasaki: what did you about my travel , I am ready!!! how can I cross the gate they know me ,they know my face ,my voice!!
Ashin: Hey ! you're too confident? Did you told anyone else except me ,you know you shouldn't.
Kamasaki: Indeed ! I did ,it's sixprey.
Ashin: What Sixprey!!! in the whole north you told Sixprey!!! do not ever meet him again never ever , thag guy is not .......not suitable for us nor our way!
Kamasaki: he's a Gm right ? never mind how can I pass the gate ?
Ashin: just go and cross it ,no one will stop you or question you , they have orders from to not to , after that you will meet someone called Isac out of the gate ,Isac is very strong warrior an IM and a trusted freind he will escorte you untill you reach the south .
-Katoraki minister saw that involving other tribes in Vizvarland is better option, due to current circumstances the freedom of Dikashtana makes the ministers very worried, they want to involve all the possible lands to them, which strength more their war forces and authority and also to surround and put more pressure on the threat. For that katoraki minister gives a special mission to Monadanay and Sixprey to include the only tribe that survived the massive massacre!!!
Katoraki: the water tribe in the east, has survived last night's massacre, the new head of tribe or the Domo named Erashay we've sent many letters to involve their land to the north but no response, we sent Captain Jurika and Bimawa to negotiate with him , even with their long experience they found no solution, we wanted to make it in a peaceful way but we have no choice that's way I am both of you as last chance for them if the Domo refused use violence if needed!
Sixprey: M.... so Katoraki you want me to be the good guy ,right and Monadanay the bad guy ,okey we"ll try to make in the peaceful way possible.
Katoraki: They know, you're coming,they that the famous Monadanay is coming to them that will make them very scared, Monadanay will be as your best card we don't want to use violence, it's not my way to force people to hand their land but they're orders from the royal palace.
Monadanay: Any other information on the tribe ,the Domo , the people there until we can pressure him more.
Katoraki: Sadly no, its just a small tribe, the current Domo is has been just chosed but he showed a huge resistance against our orders , if you really really needed to kill someone you can kill him but don't get that far ,I count on you Sixprey as genius your visual can see through the soul right? you can see as much information you want ? and Monadanay will be as threat for them if they reject our last offer.
Salem: Dooooomo ,Doooomo it's time to wake up , you have a full schedule today you have a speech to the public and a visit from the north !!! Doomooo!! Wake upp!! ERASHYYYYY!!!!
Domo Erashay: (opened his eyes)Hh? wait who's are you ?really who are you ?( sleeps again)
Salem: I am the previous Domo's assistant but you're no near to him , damnn!! why must I serve you !!!! Monadanay is going to visit us ,they're saying our last offer, yesterday we barely survived the massacre today Monadanay the strongest energy power user in Vizvarland visiting us ,Dooomo !!! wake up !!!
Erashay: No need for Domo ! Ah Monadanay?Mm... they want to scare us Mm...that means if we reject their offer.
Salem : they will kill .....[Interrupted]
Erashay: Yahhh!!! of course they will not go that far ,even if they want to kill someone, they kill me , even if I were in their place I would killed myself I reject their offers two times in row, ignored their king's orders.
Salem: People are still worried about Dikashtana, he slaughtered all the country by himself last night if he has founded our tribe he would have send us [interrupted]
Erashay: Nah !! can you be positive for a second! Hey I heard that your a very skilled in making coffee and tea that's why I kept you [interrupted]
Salem: Only for that!!!! Domo Dikashtana were that close to slaught our tribe that existed for 1500 years!!!!!! and you told about coffee and teaaaaa!!! who made you Domo!!!!
Erashay: The circumstances made me !! Salem let's be real for a second do you think that Dikashtana didn't really know about us , he knew, I am sure , make my coffee , then I made a 5min speech for the public, because I really want to get back to sleep after that when our visitors arrived you can wake me up!!
Salem: Noooooo!!!! the speech first .
- The Domo Erashay comes out of his room to the public.
Domo Erashay: Since everyone is here I know that your really worried about the current circumstances, (laughing) guys I am just a Domo I can't do much about it ,sorry !!!
Salem: what!!!!!! No I am pretty sure the Domo wants to add something.
Erashay: No that was all.
Salem: No you you you really wannnts to add something!!!!!!!
Erashay: Pfff, the reality is we're a small village and the east and the east is gone, compared to the south and north we're just an ant between two elephants, they're threatening us to join them but we'll not , and they can do anything about it ,and they go any far about it ,some of you really wants us to join them, I am the Domo , I am the one who make decisions, and I really know what's good for the tribe , and for those who disagree with me screw you !!!
People of the village started to throw stones on the Domo, dirty things in his face ,but the Domo standed for around 3 minutes staring at them and then left.
Erashay: wooooh!!! Coffee time !!!! I think today will be a very unpleasant day but let's stay positive.
At this moment Monadanay and Sixprey emerged form the ministers building and are going to Eastern village.
Monadanay: I think I'll just fly to there you'll use "bayaby" for transportation, by the way I don't like the idea of killing I prefer if they rejected let's just go back ,deal?
Sixprey: Well, it's not my role Haaaaaaaaah ! See you there Grandmaster.
Salem: Domo Monadanay and his companion had arrived. [ both of them entered the Domo's room] Domo I'll leave now .
Domo Erashay: yahhh!! No need to ,hey prepare coffee and tea for our guests, sorry I forfot to mention what would you like to drink coffee or tea ,please, please, please choose carefully because these will impact our negotiations and it will be a crucial factor on my last decision.
Monadanay: I am not interested, let's get to the point.
Erashay: Our meeting is over you can leave at any moment !!! go you're free to leave.
Sixprey: nahhh!!! He is joking Monadanay is very good in jokes just like using energy power , I am chilling guy I'll choose orange juice.
Salem:Sorry the offer is coffee or tea.
Sixprey: Ohhh! Monadanay can you hear me I am using spiritual contact can you hear me?
Monadanay: clear, what do you see about this guy, what do we need to choose?
Sixprey: unbelievable thing ! When I look to his soul I see nothing, absolutely nothing I can't see nothing about him , no information is shown to me , I suggest to choose different options.
Monadanay: tea ,I"ll take tea
Sixprey: coffee!! we would like enforce the corporation between the north and the ea[interrupted]
Erashay: declined!!!! I hate tea fans ,I can't start a discussion with tea fans, I can't even think about, you should have shose coffee both of you ,that means , I can't trust one of you!!! Now it's really over no second chance just leave!!!
Salem: [to himself]The Domo is putting the future and his life on the line ,those are from the north, if that's Monadanay it's over for us please Domo don't don't put us in danger.
Monadanay: I get it now ,why Katoraki said if we're killing someone must be you, you yes you you agree on the offer or we kill here and now !!
Erashay: Go for it !!! I am just a Domo ,see this is your true intentions, I know your not that evil ,but if you kill me then you can have this land even people really wants that , I have no interest in ife go for it, but sorry I don't want this tribe to suffer more these people count on their Domo, don't show it ,maybe they only know to throw the dirty in my face, but they need their Domo Grandmaster Monadanay and you Grandmaster sixprey I say it again, we reject the king's orders.
Salem:Hell no two Grandmasters that mustn't be real how could it be how ?are they going to kill the Domo and take the land ,no if they wanted to they would have killed him from the beginning.
Sixprey: how did you know or in other way who told you ?
Erashay: Grandmaster Erashay, mates remember each other do they ? Remember the one who can cantroll every spot of water In the world oceans, rivers, everything in everywhere, it's me . Aydarro didn't want to face me that's way he ignored us last night , it's time for the east to strike back!!!!!
The Power's Judge
General FictionIn the amazing era of the strongest energy users in the history,only those who have what it takes to rule Vizvarland where the bestest meet each other in the battlefield.North Vs south, peace versus war,light confronts darkness; even the destiny can...