Chapter 6

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     Hairy looked at me, scowling.  "What do you mean, Bow?  If you ate the candy I bought at the store yesterday, so help me God, I will beat your ass into the ground.  I told you those were mine."

      It was so endearing when Hairy was this possessive.  If he was that protective of his candy, imagine what a great father he'd make!  His words overjoyed me in a way that is indescribable, even to this day.

"No, Hairy.   Maybe you shout sit down.  No?  Ok.  Then I'm just gonna come out and say it.  I'm pregnant, and it feels like a girl!"

     Hairy sat in stunned silence, his face growing paler and paler, angrier and angrier.  I was so confused.  Why wasn't he jumping for joy?  We had an agreement.  He put a baby in me and now he didn't like it?  "Hairy, we had an agreement, you put a baby in me!  Get excited!"

"Bow, I can't get excited about this.  One, our baby is going to be born with Aids.  Two, I hate kids.  And three, what the hell?  I didn't get you pregnant!"

     It was almost impossible for me to be angry with Hairy for what he said, because despite the bad things he just mentioned, he said that he'd always come to the aid of our baby, and I loved him for it.   "Hairy, it's so sweet of you to say that you want to aid our child, but why would you follow that up with such negative commentary?  Are you just nervous?  Because I'm sure you'll be a great dad!"

"Bow you're getting an abortion."

"Hairy, this is not time for a Turkish manicure.  Besides, I read on wikipedia that inhaling the fumes from nail polish could be damaging to the baby in my wumb.  And isn't that funny?  All this time I thought it was woom and it's been wumb all along!"

"Bow, we're getting rid of the kid.  It's not mine and you can't keep it.  I told you I have allergies.  And when I find out who did this, I will wring their neck."

     I didn't think that adoption was an option at this point because I already had a name picked out.  Hairbow, a gender neutral combination of both our names.  And he was being so silly, changing the subject and all.  Abortion fumes were bad for babies, I read it in a wikipedia article.  And I really don't know what he meant when he said that he wasn't the father of my baby.  He was my soul mate, and everyone knows you can only make babies with your soul mate.  

     So in order to reassure Hairy, I took his monster hand gently in mine and placed it on my flat stomach.  Granted, I was only three weeks pregnant, and there was nothing to feel, but it really turned me on when I felt him carressing the baby in my wumb.

     At first, Hairy was gentle with my belly, but then he took his pinky, saying he was going to tickle the baby, and stuck it into my belly buttion.  Much too harshly.

"Rape if it lasts more than 12 seconds," Hairy said, and giggled himself into madness as I fell to the floor.


     I awoke in the hospital.  A handsome and charismatic man named Doctor Sneave was just checking some things under my blankets, and rushed out, sending my mom and Hairy in.

"Oh Bow!  I'm so glad you and Hairy are making me a grandmother!  And I just am thrilled that you both decided it was best to wait for marriage!  Hairy told me everything that the doctor didn't tell me about your condition.  Hairy says that your son will be Hairy junior!  How sweet!  Oh and dear, you might want to mind your blood pressure better, Dr. Sneave tells us that's why you fainted."

     My mother was obviously thrilled for me and Hairy.  But I had no idea what she meant when she said that we were waiting for marriage.  Maybe she meant to buy a house together.  But all I said was, "Mom, I think we still need to work on the name."

___One Week Later___

     Hairy had seemed gentle enough the week after I got out of the hospital, seeming to give extra care to my bathroom schedule.  He said it was because I was peeing for two now, but I think he was just keeping an eye on me.  He said that even though I thought it would be bad for the baby, he made an appointment with the abortionist and I was going to get my nails done whether I liked it or not.  I guess he just likes a well groomed woman.  

     No matter how many times I tried to get him to help me tell out story to our fetus, he refused, saying he had research to do.  I looked over his shoulder at what he was researching one day, and saw Dr. Sneave's name show up.  I had no idea why.

Four days later, I found out why.


     On the day of my manicure, I awoke to the sound of people scuffling around in the ally behind the apartment.  It sounded like Hairy, so I walked over to the bathroom, which had a view of the ally way.

"I swear to you, you will die for getting my b*tch pregnant.  She needs an abortion now or else she'll lose her figure!"  This was all Hairy, whose face was to me, the other man carried a stethiscope in one hand and a medical file in the other.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Stiles.  Really, on the phone you said you wanted to talk about Bow's procedure today, but now you want to discuss your dog.  This is all very confusing."  I knew that voice.  That was the voice of a man I had never spoken to.  It was the voice of Dr. Sneave.

     I had no idea what was going on.  I was having a procedure? Was Dr. Sneave a spa technician?  Was he to give me the all-important manicure?  I ran as fast as I could, head long through the bathroom window and into the ally.

"What's going on out here?" I said, my voice panicky as blood began to cloud my vision, probably from crashing into the blacktop on my forehead.

"Just the killing of your fetus," both men said in unison.

I was very wrong about abortions, so very wrong.

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