(Tyler's Pov)
I froze from shock as I saw my sister
Me: Amy is that youAmy: Well hello Brother who killed me
Klaus: Love I swear it was an accident all Tyler meant to do is pull you off me
Amy: Stay out of it Klaus its all your fault I died I'm never gonna be able to grow up I'm going to be 19 forever
Me: How aren't you a hybrid I mean your supposed to kill and turn
Amy: Your an idiot I just drank from a blood bag
Klaus: Ha you just got insulted by a 19 year old
Me: Amy if you weren't my sister I would kill you
Amy: You already did
Matt walked in and ran towards Amy and grabbed her hand and started running
(Amy's Pov)
Ha Tyler and Klaus were to busy arguing and they forgot to mention my hair
Me: Matt can I stay with you
Matt: As long as you don't eat me
I giggled and said OK
A/N so ik Klaus and Amy are not well liking each other yet but be patient bye