» two

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A few days later Zayn was sat on the huge cough in his living room with his phone in his hand, debating whether to to message Niall or not.

He wanted to keep in contact with him because he was so nice and had been his closest friend for a while after all.

But if he starts talking to him again, he would probably have to see Liam again and no matter how much he tried to ignore the feeling, it still hurt.

Before he could change his mind, he tapped a new message and typed Niall's contact name.

unknown number: hey, Ni. It's Zayn :)

Nialler!: zee, hey :))

Nialler!: what's up??

Zee : nothing, just wanted to say hi. How about you?

Nialler!: oh alright, I'm with Liam, Josh and Ashton :)

Zee : oh

Zee : did you tell them that we saw each other the other day?

Nialler!: no I didn't actually, I didn't really think it was necessary tbh. It's just between you and me ;)

Zee : that's true ;)

Nialler!: yeah but hey I need to go now

Zee : alright, but I was going to ask you another thing

Nialler!: what?:)

Zee : would you like to go out and get dinner or something tomorrow?

Nialler!: like a date orrrr ;)

Zee : if you want to

Nialler!: Of course, I would love to :)


"So you're going out tomorrow on a date with Niall ? Your ex-boyfriend's best friend..?" Avan asked confusedly, trying to at least understand everything that Zayn just told him.

Zayn had called Avan over as soon as he actually wrapped his mind on what actually happened over the messages.

While he was texting Niall, he didn't really think much about what he typed, he just answered like he felt the need to in that moment.

So apparently he felt like he wanted to go out to dinner with Niall, which made himself so confused.

"Don't say it like that! You make it sound so bad, it sounds like I'm a manwhore! It's just one date with my ex-boyfriend's best friend - okay, maybe it sounds a little bad.."

Avan rolled his eyes and slapped the back of his head. "No shit, but you know. Maybe it will be good for you, I know you still aren't completely over Liam and even though you tell everyone and yourself that you have moved on, I know that deep down you still have some feelings for him."

Avan rested his arm over Zayn's shoulder and continued on talking. "Even if they are tiny, which won't be but the point is- the feelings are still there and I just reckon that you should start dating and now it just happened to be Liam's best friend."

Zayn sighed and nodded his head, Avan was speaking the truth and it scared the shit out of him. It was true, he really needs to start dating and just forget about Liam but that's going to take awhile for him to forget everything they've done together as a couple and everything they've shared.

"Yeah, you're right. I hate you." Zayn lifted his head up and slightly glared at his friend.

"I hate you too." Avan grinned and made a kissy face along with a kissing sound.

Zayn backed away and scrunched up his face, pushing Avan playfully away. "Gross."

Avan laughed and shook his head lightly. "But now, you gotta tell me everything about Niall, even though you have a little but I need more."

Zayn chuckled and leaned back on the couch. "Well, he's pretty amazing. When you're around him you can never be upset, he will always make you smile. He has the cutest laugh! He's a great listener and even though he's all sweet and innocent looking. I think he's a type of guy to be really dirt-"

"Alright, Zayn." Avan interrupted him and chuckled. "It's clear that he seem like a really nice guy. So I approve of him and he's pretty cute."

"Yeah, right? All four of them are extremely hot and attractive." Especially Liam. Zayn thought to himself.


nialler!: I'm really excited for tomorrow tbh

Zee : yeah, me too

Nialler!: I'll come pick you up at 7:30, sound good yeah?

Zee : yeah, sounds good. Goodnight, Ni. See you tomorrow x

Nialler!: goodnight, handsome :)

Zayn smiled at the last text and didn't bother to reply, but the message made him feel bubbly inside.

He placed his phone down on the nightstand. But as soon as he was about to fall asleep, his phone dinged few minutes later.

He groaned and rolled over to grab his phone, he wondered who has texted him.

unknown number: hi

Zayn: who are you?

unknown number: you want to come over and give me a blowjob?

Zayn: Liam?


Holy shit Liam, I literally can't even right now omg. Why you gotta do this??!

Question: do you think Liam will try and get Zayn back?

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