hello everyone

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Once I'm dressed I hesitantly head out into the hall.
I look around but Haru is no where to be found. Did he go out?
Then an idea enters my mind.

I'll just make lunch. I smile and skip into the kitchen , opening the fridge I almost instantly loose my smile




How does he survive on this ?!? Ever since pre school its been the same I never did understand it ,I myself am a fan but this is just excessive. Another idea a rises .

"I'm sorry haru" I whisper whilst extracting every last pack setting it aside and starting the stove.

Moments later the fringe is empty aside from some water bottles and left over rice. I rinse my mouth and sigh before heading back to harus room as I enter the hall I hear a light knock at the door.

"Awwww" I moan , I think this is what you call a food coma. Dragging my feet I pull the door open to find the small group with startled expressions.

"(Y/n)" they shout rushing in . hugging and carrying me to the lounge leaving a lingering figure behind them.

"What are you guys doing here" I almost cry though I'm happy I'm fighting back the sleep.

"We heard from haruvthst you were coming!" Nagisa jumps excitedly."well actually I heard from rei"

Rei fixes his glasses "Goat told me "

"Why you little" gou Chan makes a fist "well makoto told me and I told rei and hmmmm... " she looks around.

"That's right " say makoto "we're all so glad to see you" he pats my head . he's grown.

"And I you "I smile honestly.

"Where's Haru " nagisa's puzzled face makes me smile .

"Ahhh I think he went out" I answer genuinely.

"Did you check the bath?" Makoto suggestion strikes me.

"I didn't..." wobbling I make my way out of the room only to smack into a hard wall like structure. I lose my balance and stumble  the last thing I remember us falling back ,looking up at the roof and seeing a flash of red , and being surrounded by warmth.

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