Meet Lyly

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I can't believe this! I actually got accepted to my favorite magical college ever! And when I say it's magical, I mean it. At first, when I applied to MCU (magical creatures university) I got wait listed, but now some student got kicked out so I get to go! Finally!

And it's only the second semester of the school year! So I didn't miss a whole lot. Oh! I almost forgot! Introductions!

My name is Lylyann Forrest. I have dark red hair and hazel eyes. I have a light tan, I am short but not that short and I'm a nymph. Yes, nymph as in a magical being created to protect the forest genes my last name but not every nymph has that name. I have a loving family.

I have my parents, but they're gone most of the time so it's just me, my older brother and his fiancée. Lets just say, we're more special than most nymphs. We have much better powers. Like, we can control the earth's elements. It helps us get around more in the forest and protect it by knowing your elements.

Dad, he can control earth. Mom ca control air. Liam my brother controls fire, but I'm more special. Not only that I can control, but also all the other elements with it. So my family has to be extra careful for hunters and assassins who want our powers.

Oh! By the way, call me Lyly! I know it's a weird way to spell Lyly, but it's part of Lylyann. So? Sue me if you want, but it's my name so screw you!

Back to reality, I cannot wait for college! It's gonna be epic especially when I get to leave the annoying humans. Like some of them tried to be friends, but I turned them down cause they were all bitchy popular kids. I can finally be with my own kind now! This is so exciting!

So here I am now. Packing my things and loading them into my car. Apparently, we have to move in a huge house in the forest so here I come MCU!

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