The Plan

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A/N: ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT I HAVE TO ADMIT SOMETHING! I did a spell wrong. I said Forbearne when it was Forbaernan. I apologize, it happens when you're dyslexic.

Morgana P.O.V.

Arthur and I marched up to his room after meeting with Emrys. I was determined to get the cuffs off him, and so was he. I could see that Arthur was getting furious. I couldn't blame him. He always had a soft heart, he was always kind. To see someone in pain like that because of his father must have infuriated him beyond my comprehension.

"Morgana, we need to do something. We need to do it now." he said, his voice in a whisper. I nodded.

"Of course we do, we can't let this atrocious crime keep going!" I retorted, agreeing very much with his statement. He nodded.

"We have to at least take away the enhancers, if not the cuffs completely." he checked the door to make sure no one was listening. "It should be easy to take the jewels out, we only need a knife. But we'll need something else as a backup. We could heat the dagger, then scrape the gold out. I don't know how we'd get the cuffs off without hurting Emrys." I nodded. I'd have to ask my maidservant, Gwen, to see what her father would say.

"You can get the dagger, I'll find a way to remove the cuffs. Gwen will be very helpful with that." I winked, hoping he'd remember what I'd told him about her. He nodded.

"Alright, I'll get my strongest dagger. I really hope this works." I sighed. I was worried. There was a question running rampant in my mind that I voiced to Arthur.

"Why didn't he just walk out of the dungeon? It's not like he couldn't find a way to sneak away or anything. He's not chained to the wall." Arthur's brow furrowed as he thought about it. 

"I don't know, maybe you should ask him." he replied. I nodded quickly, before contacting Emrys.

'Why didn't you just leave?' There was a hesitant pause.

'There is magic upon the cuffs I wear. Should I leave, they will put me through excruciating pain until I go back- if I could go back at all.' I reeled back at the news. Uther was such a hypocrite. He imprisoned and killed those with magic, yet used magic to imprison them! Arthur looked at me curiously, his eyes asking me what he said.

"He can't, the cuffs'll most likely kill him if he goes past the border. Uther used magic to imprison him." I watched Arthur have the same exact reaction I did, except I could see hatred in his eyes. The sight scared me.

"We're breaking those things off tomorrow."

I snuck back to my room as quiet as I could, hoping not to be caught out of my chambers at this hour. Luckily I succeded. I flopped down on my bed in a very unladylike manner, but I didn't care. I was extremely tired from staying up two nights in a row with little sleep. As I drifted off, I sent a message to Emrys.

'We'll save you, Emrys. I will if it's the last thing I do.' Before he could reply, I promptly fell asleep.

I woke up to Gwen opening the windows.

"Good morning, my lady." she said politely. I shook my head.

"What did I say about calling me that? Please, Gwen, just call me Morgana." She beamed at me. She had a twinkle in her eye that I knew to be innocence. I envied her- she didn't know just how much of a hypocrite my father was.

"Might I ask you a favor?" I asked timidly, scared of getting Gwen in trouble. She nodded.

"Of course, my- Morgana. What do you need?" I looked at her through my mirror.

"I want to ask your father something, if you can't answer the question. What tool would you use to break shackles from someone's wrists with the least damage?" I saw Gwen deep in thought for a moment.

"I don't know any tool to do that, and I'm sure my father doesn't either. Unless you hypothetically cut off the person's hands, only magic could get them off." I perked up and she sent me a suspicious glare. "Why do you want to know?"

"Just curiosity." I told her, hoping to quell her suspicions. She nodded her head slowly. She pulled out the green dress I loved so much. It had gold stitches and matched the color of my eyes. She helped me get dressed before leading me to my vanity and brushing my wavy black hair. It came down just past my shoulders at this point. I fastened in some pearl earrings, hoping to keep it simple.

"Thank you Gwen, I'm grateful." I smiled at her. "You are dismissed." she curtsied and left quickly, giving me a curt goodbye. I had an idea in mind, I just needed to learn what spell could break those shackles. 

Halfway through the day, Gwen came back into my room telling me that Arthur wanted to see me in the garden. I snickered quietly, knowing he didn't like the gardens. I gave Gwen a quick thank you before bolting out the door. I met Arthur by the lily of the valleys.

"So, why'd you call me here dear brother?" I said, scaring Arthur out of his thoughts. He grimaced.

"I found a dagger to remove the crystals if we can't get the cuffs off completely." I nodded.

"Well, I have an idea. The cuffs suppress magic, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be broken by magic." Arthur quickly caught on. He smirked.

"You're brilliant, Morgana." his face darkened. "But what will he do when he's free? We need a plan."

"I want to go with him." he gaped at me.


"Whatever we do, I want to go with him."


"Because I want to learn more about magic, and he's the only one who can teach me right now." 

"How would we convince Uther that you didn't just get kidnapped?" An idea formed in my head.

"You can say we're going on a ride. We get Emrys out, then we ride to find him. I go with him, and you let him knock you over the head- gently of course- then you ride back saying bandits attacked. You say you saw them hit me with a fatal shot before carrying me off. Uther wouldn't want to find me then." Arthur hesitated, then nodded.

"Alright, I guess that'll work. We can ask Emrys what he thinks when we free him tonight." he smiled, and I beamed back. Today we'd be freeing an innocent from his captivity.


A/N: So, I had a little trouble writing this. I'm more of an action every single second type of writer. Anyway, I hope this is good enough for you guys. Please comment if you have any questions! I will answer them (unless it's a spoiler, then you'll just have to wait). Thanks for reading!


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