Chapter IV

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Liam woke up. He was alone. It was the middle of the night, and he was still in Ed’s house. Zayn had completely left him. Normally the beautiful tan boy would make sure Liam was taken care of, covered up and in a safe place before leaving. But this time, Liam was still cum covered and cold, lying on a bed in his teammate’s house. From the silence radiating around him, he knew that the party was long over, and he would now have to get out of the house without making things even worse.

            He stood and immediately regretted it, his legs buckling and making him fall to the ground.

            “Shit,” He muttered to himself. Zayn had never taken him quite so hard before. His prostate had never received such a treatment, and it was making his entire body feel like jelly. Tears came to his eyes as he limped around the room, collecting his clothes that Zayn had thrown literally everywhere. His heart throbbed in his chest and suddenly he was fighting back the lump that was growing in his throat.

            When he was fully dressed he walked out into the hallway and then tried sneaking out, hoping to not attract too much attention. He let out a breath when the front door came into view, and then:


            It was Ed, his hair unruly and his shirt missing, showing off all of his tattoos.

            “Uh, hi,” Liam blushed, hoping that this wouldn’t be too awkward.

            “What are you still doing here? Everyone else left, like, two hours ago,” Ed said, walking closer to Liam.

            “I…I had a bit too much to drink and figured I should sleep it off,” Liam lied through his clenched teeth, “I hope you don’t mind, I kind of…you know…lost track of time,”

            “Oh, no, it’s fine, mate,” Ed smiled, “Do you need a ride home?”

            “No,” Liam choked, “I’m fine,”

            And then Liam slipped out the front door, the tears flowing out of his eyes. He felt so silly and betrayed by Zayn. The only good thing going for him was the fact that Ed believed him, he believed that Liam simply had ‘too much to drink’.

            Since he hadn’t driven to the party, he was forced to limp home—thankfully he only lived a few blocks away. He went straight to his room, falling onto his bed and pushing his teary face deep into his pillow, he barely had time to register that he was falling asleep, before his eyes were shut and he breathing evened out.

            When Liam woke the next morning, he didn’t even attempt to get out of bed. He just lay there, staring at the ceiling, his mind a flurry of tan skin, tattoos, and black hair.

            “Liam!” Louis barged into his room, his face distorted, “Oh, thank God you’re here,”

            Liam nodded, trying to pull off a smile but not managing a convincing one.

            “Are you okay? I looked all over for you last night, but you just disappeared! I panicked! I thought that you ran off drunk, or…or just completely…” He trailed off.

            “I’m fine, Lou. Sorry I scared you,” Liam sighed. Louis hopped up on bed with Liam.

            “Really though, Liam, I’m so worried about you,” Louis said, reaching forward and brushing his fingers over the blue streaks under Liam’s eyes, “You aren’t sleeping, you aren’t eating, you are completely detached from everything,”

Unspoken Words - Ziam/Ziall Mini-FicWhere stories live. Discover now