chapter 2

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I walk up the steps of this school i know all to well. It's not really a school to me, it's more of a........well to be blunt a hell hole my own prison. You may want to ask the question why i hate this place so much, its not this place it's more the people that walk the halls of this place. All the years growing up with everyone of them nothing is kept a secret nothing is hidden. Or so it seems they don't know much about me but no one does i could be here an gone the next no one every knowing i was gone. It may seem sad but what makes a person want to stay at this town. I guess there's something cause nobody leaves that was in tell today at lest. I was leaving everything i know i don't know where i'm going or when i will get there but the wild side of me needs to be let out. So as i walk up those steps not hidden for once being seen i walk with my head held high not backing down. I walk to my locker grab my books an go on to my normal day but nothing this. Its the first and last time these low life stuck in one place never going in to the really world people will see me

-yours truly miss fuck up

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