Chapter 3 - Breakfast

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A little back story to Lillian's grandparents 


The sun streaming through my bedroom curtains, woke me up as I rubbed my eyes. I stretched, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings as I smiled at my new home. It was so peaceful at La Push. Living in a city in England, has made me appreciate the peacefulness that La Push had to offer, I don't think I ever really was a city girl.

Stepping into the shower, I took my time, wanting to enjoy my new surroundings. The water soon grew cold as I walked out of the bathroom and across to my room. Rummaging through my wardrobe, I pulled out my spandex gym shorts and oversized white t-shirt as well as my black sports bra.

Although, the weather here in La Push is unpredictable I was betting on the rain holding off until I had finished my run. Tip-toeing across the hallway with my running trainers in my hand, I tried to stay as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake my Dad up at seven o'clock in the morning; he still has two hours before he has to be at work in Folks.

Reaching the front door, I slipped my shoes on my feet, tightening my laces. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my hair into a pony tail and locked the door on my way out.

Quickly stretching, I started my run in the opposite direction of Sam's house hoping to loop back around. Against my wishes, the heavens opened and the rain started to pour but unsurprisingly the rain only seemed to cool me down.

The only sounds reaching my ears was the panting of my breath and the slamming of my feet on the wet ground. Music was always a distraction to me when I ran; it always seemed to distract me from my thoughts and running was the only time that I ever got to think.

I contemplated running through the woods a couple of times when the start of a trail would appear but I always chose against it. Being new to the reservation, I didn't feel safe running through unfamiliar territory when anything could be lurking through the trees. However, I didn't need to run through the forest to enjoy the smell of wet grass and fresh rain, La Push offered that wherever you were.

Subconsciously, I had looped back around to Sam's house like I had hoped. Slowing down to a jog, I glanced at my watch and realised that it was now eight o'clock. Taking my chances, I jog down the road that leads to Sam and Emily's house.

Cautiously, I tap on the front door finally being sheltered from the onslaught of rain.

Emily's welcoming face opened the door as her face broke out into a grin.

"Lillian!" she exclaimed, pulling me into a light hug. "I'm so happy you decided to come back." She opened the door wider, inviting me inside her home.

Sam, Paul, Seth, Embry and Jared sat around the table eating what looked like a very well cooked breakfast. The boys were basically inhaling the food.

"I hope I didn't stop by at an awkward time. I was just on a run and passed by so I thought I'd stop in for a visit," I smiled nervously.

At the sound of my voice, Seth's head snapped up and his eyes met mine. His eyes raked down my damp body as my legs were left bare and my white top turned see through and stuck to my chest, exposing my black sports bra. His eyes widened as his mouth dropped slightly.

Embarrassed, I tried to cover my above average chest area as the other boys turned their attention towards me upon the realisation that Seth wasn't answering. Now, they were all staring but to my surprise, Seth glared and growled at the other boys. Their eyes dropped from my body as they continued to eat their food.

"You must be freezing," Emily worried as she took in my wet clothes.

"I'm used to the cold weather, don't worry," I laughed.

Seth was suddenly handing me the dark hoodie that he had previously been wearing. I tried to refuse his offer by holding my hands up and shaking my head.

"Lillian, please wear the hoodie," Seth stated. The seriousness in his voice and eyes had me reaching for the hoodie and slipping it through my arms. Seth now took in my appearance, looking more satisfied with my covered chest.

"Stay and eat breakfast with us. There's plenty; these boys eat a lot," Emily laughed gesturing towards all of the food lay out on the table.

"I don't want to intrude," I stated, embarrassed to have barged in on them during breakfast. Although I was confused as to why a couple or all of the boys seemed to always be at Sam and Emily's house.

"Don't be so silly. There's a spare seat next to Seth," Emily insisted pushing me towards empty seat.

Sitting in the seat, Emily passed me an empty plate before returning to the stove, cooking more food the apparent very hungry boys.

I placed some bacon, eggs, sausage and toast on my plate before digging in to Emily's delicious cooking. Unable to help myself, I ate the food at the same rate as the boys but more ladylike.

"Looks like the new girl's got an appetite," Embry pointed out, smirking at me.

Glaring at him, I swallowed my food down and stuck my tongue out.

"A sense of humour too," Jared said appreciatively, laughing at my childlike behaviour.

Halfway through taking a drink from orange juice, I felt a leg softly make contact with mine. In shock, I choked on my juice before quickly recovering.

"Are you alright there, new girl?" Jared said, eying me suspiciously. I nodded taking another sip of my juice before lightly placing it back down. My eyes turned to the side of Seth's head as he smirked mischievously.

"So, why did you move to La Push?" Sam asked, staring at me.

"Well, my Grandfather and Grandma used to own the house that we live in now. Unfortunately, they passed away a year ago from unknown causes. Their blood was just drained completely from their bodies. My Gran would always call and talk about how much she loved La Push and the people here. She made my Dad promise that he would move out here if anything were to happen to them so that's why I'm here now. I have to say, my Gran wasn't wrong about this place," I said, a sad smile on my face.

"I'm really sorry to hear about that," Sam said, the regret appearing on his face.

Oddly, the boys were all looking at me as if they knew something that I didn't. Seth noticed that I was staring at them and rubbed his hand on my bare leg. Shocks ran through my leg as my eyes widened. I barely knew this boy and he already felt comfortable enough with me to touch me in this way.

Reluctantly, I pushed his hand from my leg. A look of hurt crossed his face as he placed his folk back on his plate. He stood from his place, shaking slightly.

"I'm going to go and see Jake and Nessie," he announced, leaving without another word.

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