Chapter Sixteen - Pretty Little Liar

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Ally dawdled getting home that morning, daydreaming about Stevie. She replayed last night's events over and over, smiling as she did. She became aware of herself grinning in public and quickly glanced around, hoping no passerby had noticed. She suddenly frowned, remembering the dark scar on Stevie's hip she had seen last night. It had looked pretty bad; recent, too.

Ally had a feeling that there was more to Stevie, something that she was hiding from Ally. Whatever it was, she probably had a reason, and Ally respected that. But her curious mind didn't help her from wondering about Stevie's life had been like before she had met her.

When she reached her house, she took her keys out of her pocket and went to unlock her front door, but before she could, it flew open.

'Allison Hills!' Her mum's voice was filled with fury. She tried to speak, but Ally interrupted. She knew this was going to happen.

'Mum, calm down, I'm nearly an adult. I can be responsible for myself.'

'Where the hell were you? Actually, no need to answer. It's right here.' She held her phone out, an ancient Nokia.

A text from an unknown number. A picture, taken last night, outside Stevie's house, of her and Stevie making out.

'Where'd you get this from?' Ally was confused.

Her mum didn't reply, but instead, snatched Ally's phone away from her.

'I'm taking this. No more seeing that girl. Or anyone for that matter. Apart from uni, you're grounded.' She gave one last look of combined disgust and hatred before turning away and stalking into the house.


It was getting to later afternoon, the sun dipping low behind the trees. Stevie was packing her back for hockey training when her phone buzzed. Someone was calling. She glanced at the caller ID hoping it was Ally. Nope. Danny. Maybe she could apologise and figure out what the hell was going on with him. She picked up, immediately blurting her apology into her phone.

Stevie: Hey Danny. I'm so, so sorry, I -

Danny cut her off mid sentence.

Danny: Stevie, you fucking listen to me. I like Ally, okay? I have for a long time. And I bloody know you do too after watching that whole sappy love scene yesterday. Boy, was it disgusting to see a girl making out with my Ally.

His words came fast and furiously, mocking and scornful. Stevie tried to speak, but her tears of shock held her back.

Danny: If you don't want this photo I've got of you two being all lovey-dovey last night to end up in the wrong hands, well, you better fucking do what I fucking say. It's already made it's way to Ally's mum.

Stevie tried to hold back a sob, but Danny still heard it.

Danny: You better be listening. Don't you dare touch Ally. Ally's mine and I intend to keep it that way. Hear that Stevie? Mine. Ally is mine.

Stevie managed to utter a barely audible 'no'.

Danny: No what? No what Stevie?

Stevie: Ally is not yours. I love her very much and she loves me too.

She whispered her voice a little stronger, yet terrified of what he would reply.

Danny: Keep your filthy, dykey hands off her or she won't be around to love you for much longer.

Stevie's head spun. She didn't know what that meant but she was sure that it wasn't good.

Danny: Good day, mademoiselle Stevie.

Danny snickered into the phone, and with that, he hung up.

Stevie ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet, collapsing onto the cold, tiled floor.


What is Danny going to do next? Tell me what YOU think should happen in the comments!

Also, don't forget to vote/comment if you liked, your positive feedback always makes me so happy:)

Thanks guys<3

Note: Though Danny may be the bad guy in my fanfic, I'm sure he's absolutely lovely in real life! I just needed a male character that was close to Ally, so I figured I would put him in. PLEASE do not think the real Danny is like his character in the story!

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