The next morning the band woke up and went downstairs with their bags ready to go to their next hotel.
When they arrived at the hotel Bradley was again hungry so him, Jo and Rachel all went for some food.
In this hotel Hannah and Paul decided to share a room because it would have been cheaper than having separate rooms and because they wanted to stay together.
Once they got everything unpacked in their rooms Hannah, Paul, Jon and Tina went to get breakfast to help energise themselves for another full day of rehearsals.
All of a sudden Jo came running over with the news paper yelling to Hannah and Paul.
Paul: slow down Jo, what's wrong?
Jo: your relationship isn't a secret now
Hannah: wait what?
Jo: your front pageHannah grabbed the newspaper and read it and when she finished Paul grabbed the paper to read.
Hannah: well that does it
Jo: please don't break up
Hannah: no, now we don't have to figure a way to tell people
Paul: yay that makes life a whole lot easier
Hannah: but wait who would have posted it?
Paul: the only picture we've taken together is with that little girl
Hannah: but she was like 5
Jo: well her parents weren't!!!
Hannah/Paul: oh yeah