2. Waking Red

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I'm bringing sexy bacccck yeah!
I pressed my thumb and my index finger to the bridge of my nose, Dante doing the same in the back, clearly embarrassed as V blasted Bringing sexy back by I don't know who because I suck at names. The worst wasn't the song, no it was the fact that she had all the windows down, and her hands flying in the air, which led to her driving with her feet.

"I'm about to jump out of this damned groove machine" Dante grumbled, his head peering out the window.

"I'll just tape it Dante" I laughed looking at him from the rear view mirror.

"Love you to" he muttered, sinking back down, hiding from the public eye as they starred us down. You see that was the thing with V, she didn't give a damn as long as she wasn't killed or seen as a whore. She lived life as it was, something I wished I had.

We soon stomped to a stop in front of a small home, curtains covered EVERYTHING.

"That lil boy is still asleep" V growled unbuckling herself from the groove machine, I quickly followed hearing Dante whisper how he's staying.

As I got to the door, V was having issues opening it, well issues until she pulled a key out from her fro. "should I even ask?" I stood in shock as she opened the door, the key snaking back into her hair "No, I'll have to kill you after babe" she teased before the smell of man cave hit us. "MY GOD DOES THIS MAN CLEAN?!" She shouted, before I slammed a hand over her mouth, in which she yanked away "This isn't a horror movie Kris now you walk in there first I'm scared" she's stated shoving me to the door. I grumbled under my breath as I walked into the room. There he was in all of his glory...sleeping like a motherf--king log. "Well this is such a wonderful sight Red" I glared, pulling away the blankets, hoping to God he had pants on, in relief he did. "W-What's going on this damn early??!" He growled, his hands covering his face before slightly opening them "Today is the road trip dumbass" I hissed grasping his packed things, handing them to glaring V as I handing him his clothes before speaking "common! I wanna get OUT of this hell"

After 10 minutes of Red going in and out of sleep we finally made it out to the groove machine. "The groove machine eh?" Red snickered climbing next to Dante. "About time" he grumbled moving over. "Hey, let's just have a nice drive shall we?" Vicky spoke closing her door then smiling at the new song she chose to blast. The song was quite ironic.

I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!!! V screamed, a hand pumping out the window as she sang while we drove toward the great bridge of freedom.

Yeah! So up there at the veryyyy top is the pictures of the 4 sexy people..

That's about it OH so yeah V and Vicky are the same person so yeah

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