Special Day 💙🩷

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*Poppy leads Branch down to his bunker* 

Branch: Poppy, you've been acting weird all day 😑

Poppy: I know *kisses his cheek* 😘

Branch: 🤨

Poppy: *turns the light on* Now!

BroZone: Happy Birthday, Branch!!! 🎉

Branch: *gasps* 🥺

Poppy: Happy Birthday, babe! *kisses his cheek again* 😘

Branch: *bursts into tears* 😣

Poppy: Branch?! *she sits in front of him* What's the matter? 😥

Branch: I-I'm sorry, Poppy...*he wipes his tears* I just...haven't celebrated my birthday in so long...it means so much you did this for me...*he turns to his brothers* And that you're all here with me to celebrate 🥺

Floyd: Hey...*he puts his arm around him* Your our baby brother, nothing's more important than you 😊

Branch: Really...? 🥺

John Dory: Besides, leaving you was a mistake, we missed a lot of time with you, Bitty B

Clay: Including your birthdays 😔

John Dory: So...in a way, this is our way for making up for lost time, we won't miss this birthday, promise 😊

Branch: You guys...

Spruce: We love you, Bitty B, happy birthday 😉

Poppy: *hugs Branch* Happy Birthday, Branchifer 😊

Branch: 🥹

Happy Birthday, Justin Timberlake ❤️🎁

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