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She sat on the park bench, watching as the people went by. As she watched, her mind trailed off, soon filling with disturbing thoughts mostly about suicide and running away. Her body started to tremble and she was soon paranoid. She started to move before her mind could process what she was doing. Her legs carried her far away, eventually into a big city not too far from where she previously was. Her strong legs continued to carry her through the city, but finally gave out in front of a large mansion. She laid there in the sidewalk, closed her eyes, and hoped that someone would soon find and help her.

Three hours later, the front door of the mansion slammed shut, the owner walking out. He walked to his car, and started it. He then backed it out of the driveway slowly, saw the girl, and his car came to an abrupt halt. The driver's door opened, and his black leather boots padded towards the lifeless looking body on the cement. The man, dressed in a white collared shirt and black jeans, bent down to examine the girl. She was sickeningly pale and had chocolate brown locks. She looked young, probably about eighteen or nineteen years old. Her figure was small but it looked as if she hadn't eaten for days, due to the fact that her face was sunken in and she looked extremely fragile.

The man started to worry and shook her, not knowing what to expect. The girl never once moved and that frightened him even more. His plans today were to go to the local cafe, relax, and do something to get his mind off of things, but that seems to never happen. Now he had something important to take care of, and for once he didn't care that he had to do it. This girl that he found on the sidewalk in front of his house could soon be dead for all he knows.

He picked her up off of the cement sidewalk and carried her to his black Maserati. He opened the door and laid her down on the back seat. He then shut the door and got into the driver's seat, then proceeded to start the car and drive to the nearest hospital. After his car was parked as closely as it could be to the front door, he got out, ran through the front entrance with the girl in his arms, and over to the nurse at the emergency room desk.

"Hi, ma'am? Yes, this young girl needs help. She was lying on the sidewalk in front of my house. I tried shaking her awake but she didn't wake up or even stir at all, but her chest slowly rose and fell. Please, help her!" the man exclaimed to the nurse at the desk. She nodded, picked up the desk phone, and called someone. Within thirty seconds, two paramedics were running towards him with a gurney. They took the girl from the man's arms, placed her on the gurney, hooked her up to a breathing machine and ran back down the hallway.

"Sir, would you mind sitting down in one of those chairs? I will give you information about the patient as soon as I'm told something," the nurse explained. The man nodded and sat down in a black lobby chair. He waited for about four hours until he was called back up to the desk.

"She's in Room 702. The doctor will explain everything to you in there. Thank you for your patience," the nurse said, and gave him directions on how to get to the room. He followed the given directions and was at the room door within minutes. He opened the door and walked in, seeing a doctor in a cliché white lab coat and a girl in a hospital gown with an oxygen mask on, tubes running from her arms to a few machines.

"Hello sir, I'm Dr. Wilcox. I assume you are the man that brought this young girl here?" the doctor asked and earned a nod from the man sitting across from him, "Her name is Lucy. She's twenty four years old. The reason of her being on your sidewalk was because she was suffering from a heat stroke. We haven't figured out why or how, but hopefully she will tell us when she awakens. If it weren't for you, she would still be on that scolding hot cement, possibly dead. She will be very grateful that a caring man like you saved her life today," the doctor explained with a genuine smile on his face.

A few hours passed, and the girl finally woke up. She opened her eyes slowly, looked around, and suddenly, a startled expression came across her face. It was as if she didn't have a clue where she was. Soon after realization hit her, a smile spread across her face. She noticed the man sitting across the room and was shocked to see him sitting there, but was also very happy.

The man stood up and walked over to the girl in the bed. A smile was plastered on his face. He stopped at the right side of her bed, and hugged her. After he let go, she smiled back at him. That smile soon faded and confusion masked her face.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" She asked.

"My name is Adam Lambert, and I saved your life."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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