four; tick tock

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"So, what's on the agenda for Operation Scorpion?" Henry asked, glancing between his grandfather and Sage. The three were walking across the street, escorting Henry to the bus stop since David didn't exactly want to leave Henry alone, especially after all that is happening. Yesterday, literally all the locals of Storybrooke were on the verge of leaving town which meant losing their memories again once they crossed over the boarder line. But Charming gave a heroic and inspirational speech that made everyone return back.

It seemed after that whole situation, the panic of Storybrooke were slowly dismissing. The locals were finally getting back to normal; working their jobs, eating at the diners, children going to school. Every piece was getting put back together.

Sage furrowed her brows, scrunching up her nose as well. "What's Operation Scorpion?"

"The code name for our mission to find Emma and Snow? Do you prefer viper? That was my second choice." He rambled on, obviously watching too many spy movie for his own good.

"Henry, we need to talk." David abruptly interrupted and Sage sensed an argument coming along. It was bound to happen since she already knew Henry wasn't going to like what her and David have to say.

Henry didn't quite hear the seriousness in David's tone. "Yeah, scorpion's better."

"No, it's not that. It's..."

That's when Henry spotted the yellow school-bus that was waiting for him and the rest of the children. "I'm not coming with you." He stated before turning around, facing them. "But I thought we were going to find Jefferson?"

"Um..." Sage shared a nervous look with Charming. "We already did."

"What? Is he going to help us?" Henry asked, his anticipation at an all time high. It was clear that he wanted to get his mother and Mary Margaret back home sooner than later.

She shook her head, sadness filling her eyes. "No. No, Henry, he's not."

"But why didn't you guys tell me you two talked to him?" Henry asked, hurt that the two closet people in his lives, for whom he considers family, would keep such a secret from it. Of course, the answer would be to protect him but Sage always found that as a stupid excuse.

David exhaled deeply, rubbing his forehead. "Because we didn't want to disappoint you. I know you want to find your mom, but Jefferson can't help us. Sage and I need to find a way to restore the hat."

Deep inside, Sage knew there was no way of restoring the hat. The only way to find Emma and Snow would be to get another portal but there was no other one in Storybrooke. Still, Henry was being his stubborn self and wanted to go along with the adventure. "So, why can't I help you guys look?"

"It'll require magic, Henry. And magic-"

"Always comes with a price." Henry finished for him. He was rather observant. "I've read the book, you know."

"I'm sorry, but I just can't let you anywhere near this stuff. If you really want to help Sage and I, you'll go to school where we'll know you'll be safe, okay?" Charming explained, making Sage nod in agreement. Just because everyone in Storybrooke now remembers everything and is magical, it doesn't mean that Henry needs to be pulled along to the tide.

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