i absolutely hate when people are ungrateful.
you might not think you have the best things in the world, but at least you have something. i feel like my grandmother when i say that ugh but its true.
but like when people say that they only got a few things for their birthday.
i DONT get gifts for my birthday. or christmas or any other occasion.
"ugh i hate when i have to share a room with my sister."
i literally know someone who lives in a one room house and has to share everything with 7 people.
yet, she has a 4.0 gpa in school and she's honestly such an amazing person.
you do not have to be rich to be successful.
you don't need to buy anything or have anything that legit won't even help you in life.
just stop complaining. you're lucky you have the things that you do.
this is short -jord