Chapter 9

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Me, Aaron, Cam, and Tay all hopped into the elevator to go downstairs. I was really excited, but really nervous too. I have really bad anxiety. I forgot to take my medicine, therefore, I was really shaky. I started playing with my hands. I do that when I get nervous. Aaron sensed how nervous I was. He turned me around to face him, put his hands on my waist, I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me close to him, our foreheads were touching *picture*

"You're going to be okay. You're safe with us. We're not going to let anyone hurt you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." Aaron said.

"Okay. Thanks. I love you guys." I said

"Love you too." They said.

"GROUP HUG!!!" Cam and Tay both shouted.

They huddled around me and Aaron and hugged us. I started laughing. So did they.

The elevator door opened and we walked into the lobby. Aaron grabbed my hand and started running circles on the back of it. It calmed me down somewhat. We walked into the room where the M&G was going to be held. Riley turned around and saw me.

"Remi!" She shouted.

She sprinted to me and I held my arms out for her. She jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. I spun her around and them set her down.

"Hey babe." I said

"I missed you! Are you okay now?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed a nap." I said.

"Awshum! Let's go! Its about to start." She said.

She started walking towards the rest of the boys and I followed. We walked up to them and they all saw me and smiled.

"REMI!" They all shouted

"Hey babe! How did you sleep?" Jack J asked

"Fine. It was a short nap, but I slept okay." I said.

"We missed you!" Jack G said.

"I missed you guys too!" I said.

"So how are you and Aaron?" Nash put his arm around me and winked. I blushed.

"Amazing. I really love him." I said.

I turned my head and noticed Aaron was staring at me and Nash, he looked....sad. I turned my head and noticed that Nash still had his arm around me and I looked back at Aaron, shaking my head 'No', but it was too late. He stormed out and I chased after him. I opened the doors and spotted him leaning against the wall, I walked over to him.

"Aaron?" I asked

He didn't answer.

"Aaron...Aaron, look at me..please..." I said.

He turned around and I noticed his tear stained eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"You and Nash. He had his arm around you. You looked happy with him. I started thinking, he can make you happier than I can. Maybe you want to be with him and not me." He said.

I started to cry. That's not true. I love Aaron so much. He makes me so happy. I love Nash as a friend, nothing more. I'm in love with Aaron. I want to be with Aaron. I put two of my fingers under his chin and gently lifted his head up and made him look at me.

"Aaron...that's not true. You make me so happy. I want to be with you, not Nash. I love you so much. I'm in love with you Aaron." I said, telling him how I feel.

" are?" He asked.

"Yes Aaron. I'm in love with you. I'm so totally, completely, seriously, passionately, incredibly in love with you and I'm never gonna stop being in love with you." I said.

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