5 // tofuudiger

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I ran into his room, looking for some sort of sign that he was still out there and living. I find a crisp, white envelope, laying on top of his neatly made bed.
I tear it open, ruining the perfection that rings throughout his bedroom.


I didn't want life to come to this but it has.

I have to leave. Leave this town, this life. I can't do it anymore, pretend to be perfect and okay here.

I'm not perfect, or even remotely okay for that matter. I know it didn't seem like it. It seemed like I was happy and loving life.

But you always told me how much of a great actor I was when I was on the stage, didn't you guys?

Anyway, don't look for me. Don't send out search parties, or look for a body. I don't want you guys to care, now that I'm not here to supply what isn't there anymore. You could have cared more, ask me if I'm okay from time to time, make sure I was happy. Maybe then I wouldn't have to leave.

But it's too late to care now.

Mom and Dad- I love you. I'm sorry your only son is leaving you to find a different family. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to stay for you guys.

Linea- I'm sorry that we fell apart. I'm sorry that I didn't give you distance, even if we were thousands of miles apart.

Paige- I'm sorry that I led you on, that I let you get emotionally invested in me, and leave right when you got the courage to speak.

and finally:

Zack- I'm sorry I never was brave enough to let you know how I felt, that I couldn't say this to you face to face. I'm sorry that years of friendship are being put to waste as I leave everyone and this town. But most of all- I'm sorry I didn't ask you to come with.

Again, don't look for me. It's probably better for the both of us.


I just stand there, frozen. Frozen in time, frozen in shock that my best friend left me. That he thought we never cared enough. I could say I cared more about him than I did about my self. I feel numb, like when you sit on your foot too long, except that feeling rings throughout my entire body. He's gone, I think to myself.

And he doesn't want to be found.

I showed the letter to everyone Joe had mentioned, emailing Linea a copy. I didn't see Joe again, not for  a very long time. There was this one time however...

I stand in the snack aisle of a run-down gas station. I grab some beef jerky and a couple of sodas, ready to head back to the car where Nathan waits. But I can't shrug off the feeling of someone's eyes on me. I turn around to look at my surroundings, and behind me, a boy in a dark hoodie and jeans stares back and me with a strange look, like he's seen a ghost. I could tell his face apart from anyone else's, even after all these years. The same brown eyes, the identical markings that lay on his face.

"Joe..." I say in a soft and barely audible whisper. I go forward to approach him, but he just takes off and runs out of the gas station, a worried expression on his face. I just stand there, looking out the automatic doors, at his figure disappearing and fading into the twilight.

But I don't look for him. As the old saying goes, 

"If you love something, let it go."

So I did.

And I never saw him again.

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