Chapter 6

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Annabeth POV

I'm in full panic mode. I cheated on Percy, he died, and now he might be the second most powerful person in the world. I'm in trouble. Then I realized, If Percy came back from the Underworld, who else has? I start to hyperventilate and the world is spinning.

Should I tell someone about my suspicions so that the soldiers will stay here? No, they'd all think that I'm crazy. They would never suspect of Percy to become an assassin of all things and become so, cold.

All of a sudden, there is a whoosh overhead and I see a quick blur of black race across the sky and lower itself into the middle of Camp Half Blood. I clamber off of Zeus' fist where I was hiding and race into camp. A crowd of half bloods and gods have gathered around Omega. I barely make it to the clump to hear him yell, "Stella!(virtual cookies to anyone who can guess who these characters are!) It's good to see you again! Welcome back to Camp Half Blood."

A girl in dull silver armor comes out of the jet that I assume is the black blur I saw a while ago. She looks strong and she wears a silver parka underneath her armor even though it is 80 degrees outside. I can only see her mouth and the tips of her hair, which is midnight black.

"Omega, thou and thy girlfriend are looking dashing as usual. But this place does not bring pleasant memories. I cannot even stand to be here, how can you?"

"Believe me when I say that I do not want to be here. We were pushed into it. Literally, Chaos pushed us into a portal that stopped here. So are you going to introduce you and your warriors so we can introduce ours?" he asks.

"Fine, I am Stella and I am second in command of Omega and-,"Omega shakes his head, "-and Angel. In order of command, I am 4th. I lead the army of soldiers and have brought a few of them. I introduce thou to Anelis and Shaler," Anelis is small, petite, and deadly. She wears a pink Juicy Couture tracksuit underneath her black armor. Her hood is also up and she wears lip gloss, but that's all that you can see other than her black hair.

Anelis smiles, "I'd like to say it's good to be here again, but if our Commander is not happy then neither are we. Right Shaler?" she looks up at him and kisses him on the cheek.

"Hmm," is his only response. Shaler is burly. He wears a simple black hoodie and jeans underneath his black armor. Seriously, what is up with these people and jackets?

"Thank you Anelis, I appreciate that. Anelis is trained by Angel and Shaler is trained by either me or Stella. More often than not it is Stella since I am usually on assignment for Chaos," Omega replies.

"Our warriors are the best in the galaxy. Stella has more than 3,000 years of experience and I was taught by Chaos himself. We are very qualified to fight against any Titans, giants, or gods, who anger us, which many of you have. To be more specific, you angered me. If you mess up again, I officially will stay out of this war, Chaos' orders or not," he says coldly.,

"Why can't you just tell us what we have done, so we don't do it again?" shouts Poseidon.

Omega is shaking with anger, "You of all people should know. I SHOULD JUST LEAVE-," he stiffens at Angel's touch. She whispers something softly in his ear and then he visibly softens. He whispers back to her and they walk off hand in hand. If that is really Percy, who is this new girl Angel?

I watched them leave and tear my gaze away when Stella announces, "There will be more of us coming in.... 1 minute and 42 seconds. In the meantime I introduce you to Landuras."

Landuras steps out of the space ship and says one word that knocks me off of my feet, because I know that voice. That voice has been haunting me for years, "Hello."

I run forward and wrap my around Landuras and he doesn't respond which really irks me since the last time I saw him was at his funeral, "Luke. You're back."

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