Part II : "You Guys Have a real bad fight"

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It had been almost two weeks since you'd last spoken to Dean, your heart still aching at the thought of him, his touch, his eyes, his smell, oh his smell, everytime you met someone with the same cologne you'd feel butterflies in your stomach, but life goes on you told yourself. But when you saw him again all of your thoughts combined in one:

"I miss him." and there was nothing you could do about it, a hunter's ife if full of uncertainty and danger, and every one needs a stable point to lean on when they feel down and that was what Dean had been for you. You could still feel his breath on your neck as you woke up next to him your legs entangled with his and his arms lazily around you.

When he saw you his face fell, as he dropped the mug he was holding, the loud crash woke you from your daydream, and you started making your way to the door of the cafè, but then you felt his hand on your wrist and his low raspy voice

"Please (y/n), I'm begging you, just... just one cup of coffee."  And you just couldn't stop yourself, because no matter how much his betrayal hurt, being without him hurt so much more.

"One Cup."


After stomping out of your motel room you looked around, there was nothing there, nowhere to go so after walking for a few miles you sat on a bench by the side of the road as you heard a thunderstorm coming closer, you could feel the little drops hit your skin and your open wound, as the raindrops got bigger, so did your tears, you weren't sure when or how you'd started crying, but you couldn't stop yourself anymore. Once again your recklessness had ruined the only good thing in your life, as much as you tried to keep the people you loved safe you were never able to and usually ended up pushing them away. 

You heard a familiar engine roar as you saw the Impala all up in front of you, a puffy eyed Sam at the wheel, sniffling through his words

"(y/n) I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean it, you know I didn't... I just- I just got scared. I don't want to loose you too. Please just get in the car, I--"

You didn't let him finish his sentence, you just got in the car and kissed him passionately

"Let's go home." you said still holding each others in each others arms.


After leaving Cas in the cemetery, you had tried to continue your day as if he hadn't interrupted it, you had gone to you and your mom's favourite place and had gotten a piece of their Red Velvet cake, which was to die for, and by the time you had gotten back to the bunker, you weren't angry any more, you knew why was had followed you and you couldn't help but smile to yourself, he really was a naive man-child... He was YOUR naive man-child. 

As soon as you walked in you were swept of your feet by a hug that nearly knocked the air out of you, as the blue eyed angel looked up at you, all you could do was smile

"It's ok Cas... Don't worry ok?" you said stroking his hair "Just promise to never do it again"

He looked at you and smiled

"I promise"


You could still see the mans organs spilling out of his body, and the smell... the smell of rotting flesh still in your nostrils, you entered the bar ready to forget all about Crowley, and his 'fun'.

--10 drinks later--

You were now sitting alone at the bar, only the town drunk to keep you company, most of the evening had been removed from your thoughts, everything was a blur, the only thing you were certain about is that Crowley had pissed you off... You think

You smell his cologne as soon as he walks into the bar, you couldn't think straight, part of you wanted to walk up to him and slap him, and the other half just wanted to kiss him... you couldn't bring yourself to decide and before you knew it he was sitting down next to you ordering one of his fancy cocktails.

"So, are you going to say anything?" he asked looking at you while sipping his brightly coloured drink from a red straw. You weren't sure what you wanted to say, but apparently your words had a mind of their own

"no, now leave." ok... so apparently you were still angry at him... maybe drinking hadn't been a great idea on your part.

"You know I can't do that Love..." he got closer, until he was whispering in your ear " I can't leave without my most prized possession."

"I'm not an object. And... And... I've got feelings... And you're mean... and-and" You started to fumble your words as you got up and made your way to the door. crowley laughed and caught you just before you fell to the ground, having tripped on your own feet.

"how about we talk about this in the morning huh?" you nodded as he picked you up and walked out of the empty bar 

"let's get you home."


Ok, so two in one night, now that's a record! I hope you like this one, I actually really enjoyed writing this... So, uhm yeah, let me know what you think!

Oh and one more thing if you want to make a request it would be better if you Dm'd me 'cause it's more likely that i see it that way...

Ok, any ways... byeee <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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