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Liliana's walk to school was spent in silent thought. Even when she met her best friend Justin outside the corner shop she barely uttered a word of greeting before she retreated back into her mind. Desperately, she tried to piece the peculiar events of the morning together but her brain was working overtime. She couldn't concentrate on one thing for longer than a second.

Though, it wasn't just her mind that was playing up. Ever since she had voiced the name 'Samson', her heart had felt a little emptier. After her Nan died she had felt the same way. This was more. She ached to her very core. Her heart was drowning in a flood of emotions that she didn't understand.

"Earth to Lily," said a chirpy voice to her right. "It's your birthday, you could at least pretend to be happy!"

"Oh... sorry Justin." Liliana said, dreamily gazing up at her dirty blond, tousle haired best friend. His emerald eyes shone in the sunlight and seemed to look directly through her. "I've had a strange morning."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Liliana could tell Justin anything. He was a great listener and was always good with advice. It was strange, they had only known each other since April and yet she felt that she could trust him more than the people she had known since junior school.

"Not now." Liliana nodded her head towards the girls standing outside the school gates. Carey Delano and Melanie Campbell, their 'friends', who would more than happily stab you in the back for personal gain. "On the way home maybe?"

"Yeah, OK." Justin put a comforting arm around her shoulders and steered her into school. "You're going to absolutely love your present by the way. We've all chipped in."

Liliana smiled up at her best friend. He'd barely even said anything to her and already she felt better.

"Happy Birthday!" came the screeching cries from Carey and Melanie, followed by some genuinely awkward hugs.

"Thanks guys." Liliana replied politely. It was her last year of school, it would be a lot easier to put up with the two of them than cause friction and stress.

"We've got your present, but you're not allowed to open it until break time, OK?" Carey said, as she handed Liliana a luminous pink bag with 'Happy Birthday' written in bold black glittery letters. So much for keeping her birthday quiet this year...

It wasn't that Liliana didn't like her birthday, she'd always been excited as a child. She remembered how she would stay awake all night just waiting for the sun to rise so that she could open her presents.

Nowadays, her parents were quite strict. They'd go out for a 'lovely family dinner', but she wasn't allowed any parties. She had thought about inviting Justin, but she didn't want to cause jealousy amongst her friends. He was new to their group.

This year though it all seemed too familiar; turning sixteen didn't feel like as much of a big deal as everyone said it would be. Maybe the events of the morning were still having an effect on her. It's not every day that you wake up and forget your parents.

Brushing aside her thoughts, she made her way through the dreary school grounds with Justin at her side. Carey and Melanie were walking ahead of them, arms linked, heads together in conversation. They were complete opposites, one quite tall, the other considerably smaller.

Students were scattered around everywhere waiting for the morning bell to ring, the summoning call to get to their form rooms.

Liliana and Justin had form in the science block. It was on the other side of the school, so they had to weave their way through all of the different buildings to get to it. Looking around her, Liliana saw picnic benches and sheltered areas overflowing with students, their white shirts, black blazers and trousers blending into the dull surroundings.

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