The start of it all (part 1)

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"Uuugh Chris can I please take off these blind folds?" I was starting to get aggravated with him. He had me blindfolded since I left his house and it's been at least three to four hours since we've been driving or that what it felt like. My leg hurts, my booty hurt and I'm tired. Where can we possibly be going?

"Baby chill out, we've only been driving for an hour," I heard his voice chuckle.

"Yeah right more like three hours," I smirked, knowing that I was being a typical 'smart ass'.

He laughed to himself. The car ride soon came to a complete stop and the anticipation started to eat me up.

"Oh my gosh I can finally take off my blindfold!" As I reached my hand up to take the bandana off there was a loud spank and slight pain shooting through my hand.

"Asshole, that hurt you know," I yelled at him looking towards the driver seat.

"Wrong way I'm over here," He opened my side of the door and pulled me out by my hand gently kissing my lips. Even though the bandana was still over my eyes, I arched a brow. How did he get out the car with me hearing the door open or close?

"You love me baby?" He asked hugging around my waist grabbing my ass.

"Yes, you know I love you baby," I smiled.

He smirked against my lips traveling his hands up the small of my back.

"You trust me?" he asked again.

"Yes, I trust you."

"You won't get mad at me, will you?" he sounded concerned, but quickly covered it up with a cheerful voice.

"Dammit Chris what the hell is going? On take this shit off my face it's starting to itch," I whined stomping my feet.

He chuckled then untied the blindfold letting it drop from my face unto his hands. I blinked a few times to get my vision back then looked around. We're at an amusement park, it looked run down and old but had more than a thousand-people waiting to get in.

"Uhmm baby what are we here?" I asked looking up at him.

"Because I wanted to come here and what is better than coming to an amusement park to spend time with your beautiful ass girlfriend?" he arched his brow at me.

"Uuhh staying at your place to cuddle sounds better. You know I'm not an outdoors person," I told him pecking his lips.

"We did that all morning and all day I at least hit that pussy about nine times today I know it's sore," He chuckled with a little smirk on his face.

I laughed at his silliness and shook my head. Looking at the entrance of the park I soon got an uneasy feeling that washed over me.

"Baby you okay?"

I snapped my head to look up at him then forced a small smile on my face.

"Yea I'm okay let's get in line before the line gets even longer," I closed the car door and walked ahead as he locked it and walked behind me.

The line was long, and I was becoming very impatient. We have been standing outside more than 40 minutes and Chris didn't seem to care. All he was talking about were the rides, the food, and how there's a few supposedly 'hunted' things he wanted to check out. Me on the other hand was ready to go inside and get the hell out. To be honest I didn't even want to be here; I'm terrified of places like these I read to many things on twitter and other social media sites that explains what happens at places like these. Especially this place I could have sworn I seen this on ghost hunters, or one article about hunted and abandoned Parks.

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