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I could see him looking at me from across the street, and for that moment, I was too scared to move. I had to get out, but how without him noticing? Even if I moved fast, he would notice that I had run off. Suddenly, he was walking over to me and I had an urge to get out of there. As I was running away from this scary creature, my thoughts drifted off and before I knew it, I was back in my own bedroom lying in my bed.

I sat up and looked around, it couldn't have been a dream, it felt so real. I’m just paranoid; it was a dream no matter how vivid it was. I lay back down and closed my eyes but as soon as I did, I saw the man who stalked me in my dreams.

I couldn’t sleep anymore. I climbed out of bed and slipped out of the slightly cracked open door that lead me into the hallway. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower to try to calm me down, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

Once I was dressed in my uniform, I took the steps two at a time into the kitchen for breakfast. I poured myself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal then started eating.

It wasn't long until my mother came down the steps dressed and ready for work. She kissed me lightly on the cheek and went to pour herself a cup of coffee.

I smiled at her, then put my dishes in the sink and ran upstairs to find my backpack. I listened to the engine of my best friend Nora’s volks wagon beetle. I peeked out my window and smiled when I saw the familiar blue colour of her car.

Nora nodded a tired hello and reversed out of my driveway, headed in the direction of the coffee shop we visited every morning.

Once we reached the almost full parking lot near the coffee shop, Nora and I climbed out and started walking down to the shop.

When we opened the door there was a little bell chime that announced our arrival and a few heads whipped around to look who had just arrived. We found a table that would have fit nearly five people at it and sat down silently. It wasn't long until a short waitres with long auburn hair showed up ready to take our order.

"What can I get you?" She asked wearing a fake smile.

"I'll have a latte." Nora told her.

"I'll have the same." I said, then she walked off into the kitchen to make them.

"Hello girls," Someone said. “Do you mind if my friend and I sit here, all the other tables are full?"

"Of course you can." Nora replied and I just nodded at him I didn't mind it would keep Nora from talking about my recent dreams.

"I'm Nora and this is my girl, Sienna." Nora said gesturing towards me using her hands.

"It’s a pleasure to meet you, I'm Zach and this is Cameron." He said grabbing Nora's hand and kissing it ever so gently then he took mine and did the same.

As I took a closer look at Zach, I realised that his eyes were a chocolate brown and he had a few freckles on his nose. Cameron however seemed dark and mysterious and scary.

I couldn’t stop myself from staring at his familiar face. I recognised him from somewhere. Maybe I’d just seen him on the street but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more.

Cameron and Zach sat down and we all had coffee together. Well it was more like Nora and Zach had coffee together and Cameron and I pretended to listen to their conversation but soon enough Nora and I had to leave and I was left thinking about Cameron.

The next time I saw Cameron was at lunch the next day. I was sitting by myself because Nora had gone to the bathroom with a few friends to touch up their makeup.

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