The beginning

15 0 1

-3rd person-

Skylar sat on her teal-flannal comforter, with a teal flannel sweater. She hated admitting it sometimes, but she had WAREHOUSES of flannal. You could easily mistake her for a Winchester, if you're not careful. She flipped open her cell, and punched in a few numbers. The phone rang a couple times, as Skylar wiped beads of sweat from her forehead. She knew Tori wouldn't like this news.

She was startled by a voice on the other side of the connection. "Hello?" Skylar hesitated. "Torikku, uh...nice to see you." The readhead on the other end raised a brow in worry and suspicion. "You sound unwell. Is something the matter?" Skylar took in a shaky breath, and murmured her agreement. "You know fully well of melody's..." she searched aimlessly for the right word. "...passing, right?"

Torikku nodded, humming. "Mhm..." Skylar bit her lip nervously. "Well, it would seem she had dome... Unfinished business with us." Torikku was silent for a long time.

Torikku scoffed. "Well, Skylar, this shouldn't take but a couple of days. At least if everything goes planned." She acted as if it never phased her. Skylar started feeling a wave of rage and worry sweep over her, drowning her in the intense emotion. "You know as much as I do that this is NO ordinary mission," she began, and failing, to contain her anger. "I know this," Torikku replied, before Skylar continued her arguement pointlessly further, "She was a powerful mage, and a brilliant medium. Her powers are far from my control alone. I will be careful, promise." Skylar bit back an angry retort. "Alright," she replied cooly. "Oh, and sky?" Tori interrupted. Skylar hummed her reply, assuring she was listening intently. "I've got an important job for you," Torikku continued, "If you know of anyone that melody may have a quarrel with, I want you to guard them at all costs." Skylar nodded, her favorite couple, Jeremy and Mike, coming immediately to mind.

Meanwhile, Jeremy sat on his bed at home, with his laptop open to a bookmarked page; His favorite, one and only, He's too much of a baby to admit it, but he was total weaboo trash. As the Axis Powers Hetalia Video Ended, he hummed gleefully to marukaite chikyuu through the speakers. He heard a knock on the door, and shut the laptop. He dragged his feet lazily down the stairs, toward the front door. He opened the door, a smile lighting his face.

Mike stood there, a mahogany beanie covering his head. A smirk was plastered to his face, And his icy blue eyes gleamed cooly. "Hey," he said, leaning closer and kissing Jeremy's forehead, making his cheeks a dusty pink. "Hope you don't mind if I stay over for a while?" Jeremy nodded, "Come in, I don't mind." Mike nodded in return, walking over to the couch and plopping down.

Jeremy supressed a giggle, sitting down next to the taller man. He rested his head in the crook of mike's neck. Mike smiled. Strangely, he noted, Jeremy's hair wasnt really girly or floral, and not a chocking, 'manly' brand smell. Instead, it smelled of acorns and ink. (I AM NOT STEALING FROM THE JEREMIKE COLLECTION BY BAMSARAKILLEDYOU but yea) Mike ran his fingers through the brunettes curly, soft hair. Jeremy tried (and failed) surpressing a purr. Mike noticed this, and smirked playfully. "You sound like a cat..." Jeremy snickered. "Really? I never knew." He said sarcastically, a hint of amusement in his voice.

(AN: Hello ppl! Ok shout out to BamSaraKilledYou because she is the BEST FANFIC WRITER IVE EVER SEEN ON WATTPAD

And I reccomend that you recommend me to so e of your friends

And if you have any fluff ideas, message me, I'll use them if theyre good and i'll probably shout you out! ^ - ^

Anyway, see yall IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!


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